Home Makeup 10 Things That Go Through Your Head When You Wear Matte, Full-Coverage Foundation for the First Time in Ages

10 Things That Go Through Your Head When You Wear Matte, Full-Coverage Foundation for the First Time in Ages

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all about the base
  1. Why does my skin not breathe and I feel like I’m wearing 500 layers of product?
  2. Girls, it’s wild! In real life, this bass looks crazy, but in pictures it looks great.
  3. But really, you need to buff these layers with a buff brush as soon as possible.
  4. I can’t believe I wore full coverage every day.
  5. If only I could go back in time and tell baby Karen at that stage that I could have done with less bass, haha!
  6. I might try blending a few drops next time. Chanel Soft Pink Skin Enhancer Or put MAC strobe cream in this. I’m sure it will look great!
  7. Will I be playing heavy bass again? perhaps? it can happen…
  8. But unless I’m very intentional and careful with my technique, my pores aren’t going to work. I know it can be done, but it’s a lot of work.
  9. surely Han Vango Know all the tricks and save me from myself, hahaha!
  10. Remember that makeup is fun! It’s great to try different things, new technologies, and have an open mind about your product.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Beauty Addict,


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