Home Hair 3 Tips for Thicker and Shinier Hair Growth in 2024 (Keep Your Hope Alive)

3 Tips for Thicker and Shinier Hair Growth in 2024 (Keep Your Hope Alive)

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Is your only wish this year to grow thick, beautiful hair?

It also uses natural remedies.

So what’s the secret medicine to wake up your sleeping hair? Sadly, a kiss from your beloved will not work out. But there are easy methods you can follow to get the beautiful hair you’ve always wanted.

There are three things you need to do:

1. Keep hope alive

2. Dream of growing beautiful hair

3. Make a lot of mistakes

3 tips for growing thicker, shinier hair

1. Keep Hope Alive (Your hair will get better))

First of all, expect your hair to improve. Thicker, stronger and shinier. It may seem like an impossible task at the moment, but keep telling yourself it can happen.

To have hope is to have an expectation that things will improve in the future. So you won’t feel so miserable about the problem.

Hope doesn’t wave a magic wand and make your hair grow back.

However, a high attitude can prompt you to look for appropriate answers to your problems, such as growing hair, developing clean energy, or pleasing your in-laws.

What really helps with this process is imagination and visualization.

2. Dream of growing beautiful hair

Yes, create a clear image in your head of what you want your hair to look like by imagining/visualizing the color, length, texture, etc. And lo and behold, after 30 days your hair will change.

No, visualization doesn’t work like that.

But when you think about it, you end up creating a mental model of the goals you want to pursue. What this does is prompt you to take action. Also, when you visualize the results of your dreams, help boost your motivation and confidence.

However, you still need to take action. Because just hoping or imagining things won’t work. You have to oil your hair, massage your head, make lots of mistakes…

3. Make a lot of mistakes


Mistakes teach important lessons. You’ll know what’s working and what’s not.

Sometimes it seems like nothing is working.

And it can be overwhelming. Especially if you’ve tried remedy after remedy, serum after serum, and the results haven’t been very good.

So what should I do?

Let’s be calm about the whole result. It’s fun to think of it as a “stupid game” and enjoy the process. But if you’re too stressed out before trying any treatment, it can become an exhausting routine, and small disappointments can feel like big failures.

Finally, don’t despair if you don’t find anything. Because there’s always something else that might work, another treatment or medication you can try.

How do I know?

In my experience, when I ignored the disappointment and continued experimenting, things started to work out.

And I have thick, shiny, beautiful hair. And you too can get the hair of your dreams in no time.

Do you have any questions or anything else you would like to share? Please write in the comment box below…

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