Home Makeup 5 Unexpected Things I’ve Learned About Being a Woman | Happy International Women’s Day

5 Unexpected Things I’ve Learned About Being a Woman | Happy International Women’s Day

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1. The relief I felt was short-lived.

It happened early on when I still don’t have the words to describe what it is. All I know is that one day as a kid, I looked at myself in the mirror and felt good, and the next day all I saw was something that “needed to be fixed.” only.

2. Sometimes it’s really, really, really uncomfortable.

Both physically and mentally. Back pain, cramps, migraines, extreme mood swings, bloating, I swear guys can’t handle it.

3. No matter how hard I try, this damn hair tie always disappears.

I’m officially giving up. I consider all my missing hair ties to be an offering to the Goddess of the Universe! lol.

4. Balancing work, raising children, maintaining a home, and living your own life can be a real challenge.

I struggle every day, sigh.

5. That the fears I had about being a “bad” mother were more common than I thought.

I delayed having children because I was worried that the hands-off parenting style I received as a child would resonate within me. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to deal with small children. It turns out I was wrong, because motherhood has been a source of unexpected joy.

One last bonus item…

…This is what I’ve learned over the last few years. When you’re having a conversation with another woman, it’s very helpful to say, “Do you want me to listen to you? Or do you want me to help you find a solution?” Sometimes you want someone to listen to you during the process, and it helps to set that expectation early on.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. happy international women’s day!

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