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A place to call our own

by admin
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Last year, I set a goal to blog three times a week.regardless of video by default Social media changes require about 10x the effort, but in my head I thought three blog posts a week was one job. completely doable task. But the thing is, blogging has changed too.

It used to be that you could always post whatever was on your mind with little to no research or SEO optimization. To be honest, I didn’t even know what it was. This was possible because there was a built-in audience of readers who came to the blog daily or weekly expecting new posts.

With the advent of instagram, tiktok, and other platforms, blogging as we know it has become obsolete. For many, myself included, it never went away, but the focus changed. Some others are fully thriving and I love seeing them. However, in my own experience and that of many others, when Google Reader was shut down and readers became less likely to visit blogs when they could just follow you on Instagram, your native audience declined. . And like many other bloggers, I started posting less and less regularly as my numbers dwindled here and grew elsewhere. I never gave up on blogging, but I also never gave it the love it needed to grow and thrive during these different times. It is a pity.

I know it’s never too late, but I don’t have any plans for it Until now Abandon blogging — We also know that catering to searchable posts is more important. Informative post. Evergreen content that thrives on Pinterest and Google forever (or at least for more than 24 hours). Still, it’s the mostly useless information in between that I’m most tempted to write about.

In short, I want to write a blog like I write a diary.I want a space to share what I’m working on. in front Has completed. I would like to have a microspace where I can share things with a little more peace of mind like I used to. Less carefully selected and more instantaneous.

So I substack. I’m trying to see if I can fill that gap. Ideally, it will be a place to share my thoughts, ramblings, inspiration, and works in progress. And the final completed project, with all instructions and details, will continue to be published here and on Instagram in a more curated, organized, and concise state.

If you, like me, miss the casual days of blogging, subscribe to Substack and have it sent straight to your inbox. Let’s continue to meet here. But I’m already a bit thin, so I probably can’t commit to posting three times a week.

Subscribe to my Substack here.

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