Home Makeup A Quick Saturday Hello, and a New Family Member?

A Quick Saturday Hello, and a New Family Member?

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Happy Saturday, friends!

I would like to say a few words of greeting this morning. Because what can I say? I’m going to take Connor to see the puppies. Whether she will join our family is still up in the air. We’re in a weird in-between state. Because we’ve been talking about it for a while, and it was all very theoretical, but today it might actually happen.

A little back story. Now that Connor is getting a little older, El Hab and I have talked a lot about whether now would be the perfect time to add a dog to our family.

Before Tubbs, both El Hab and I were total dog people. When we first got together, we both envisioned having a dog in our family, but then we met Tubbs, a very dog-like cat. He changed everything for us.

We both have experience with dogs so we know what kind of situation we are in and know it will be a big change in life. Part of me feels like I’m not ready for that yet, but I also know that I’ll never feel completely ready.

This puppy is a cute 8 month old Australian rescue dog and a very energetic working dog. Apparently she is very smart and I was told that she would be a good candidate for agility classes and nose work.

We also had a long discussion with the handlers about how to do a slow intro with Rosie. By the way, she lived with four large dogs in her previous foster home. She also has a dog in her current home, but Rosie always acts like she’s the boss when her dog is around.

Did I mention I really don’t know how this is going to play out?

To be honest, I’m leaning towards no right now. Because as a working mom, I feel like I’m always doing something for someone else and taking care of one more animal would just be more work for me.

However, my family and I had a long discussion about not taking on any more and that if we added a dog to our family, El Hub and Connor would take their place. Let’s take a look.

Anyway, El Hub and I met her yesterday, so the next step is to have Connor meet her today.

I’ll let you know what happens!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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