Home Cosmetics Australian skin care brand to enter US market

Australian skin care brand to enter US market

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Brand Founder Q A Australian Skin Care Brand To Enter Us Market.jpg

Vanilla Moji, the Australian brand known for its innovative approach to protecting outdoor gear, is set to debut in the U.S. market this summer. Founded in 2006 by Lee Ann Crawford, Vanilla Moji stands out in the competitive personal care industry by offering a unique combination of clean beauty and effective insect repellent solutions.

Inspired by her background in applied science and her passion for creating safe, chemical-free products for families, Crawford developed a line of products that combine natural ingredients with scientific principles to protect against mosquitoes and other pests. CosmeticsDesign interviewed Crawford and the brand’s co-owner, Krista Ferguson, to learn about Vanilla Moji’s product development process, the brand’s commitment to sustainability, and their plans for successfully entering the U.S. market.

CDU: What inspired Lee Ann Crawford to develop Vanilla Moji, and how is it different from traditional outdoor protection products?

Christa Ferguson (KF)​: Leigh Ann Crawford has a degree in Applied Science in Human Movement and combining this with her love of cooking and passion for the outdoors, the birth of Vanilla Moji was a very natural progression. The first seeds were planted when she began creating custom beauty formulas and soaps.

She was inspired to develop clean beauty products for her family of six that would avoid exposure to traditional chemicals found in many household products, and she created many valuable products for them, but it was when the family moved to an area of ​​Australia’s south coast where mosquitoes were particularly aggressive that her unique skills truly came into play.

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