Home Cosmetics BeautyStreams exec on psycare opportunity in US beauty market

BeautyStreams exec on psycare opportunity in US beauty market

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A new report from global beauty industry expert trend platform BeautyStreams defines the ‘psychcare’ trend as “a movement that represents a wave of change in the beauty industry that brings mental health and overall well-being to the forefront” .

This new beauty category combines mental or psychological health benefits with personal care products that offer positive benefits that “enhance well-being, improve psychological well-being, cope with stress, and calm an excited mind.” It offers an experience, Eleonora Mazzilli told Trend magazine. She is BeautyStreams’ Director of Localization and Business Development for North America.

We discuss the current state of this growing trend among U.S. consumers, its potential impact on cosmetics and personal care product manufacturers and suppliers, and the innovations that will drive overall growth and expansion. We interviewed Ms. Mazzilli for her insights on the psych-care trends in the beauty market. beauty industry.

CDU: What are the trends in psychcare in beauty?

Eleanora Mazzilli (EM): At BeautyStreams, we have identified psychcare as a new beauty category that takes into account the psychological health of individuals. It can be expressed in a variety of categories, from skin care and personal care (including sexual health) to hair care, home and body fragrances, supplements and even color cosmetics.

Today, in an unprecedented situation of political tension, recession, war, and climate change, with medical conditions related to stress and sleep disorders on the rise, this topic has never been more important. Today’s consumers seek pleasure and security above all else.

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