Home Makeup Can We Eat Samosas During Weight Loss Journey?

Can We Eat Samosas During Weight Loss Journey?

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Samosa is India’s most favorite snack. We Indians love samosas, especially with evening chai. There is not a single taste bud or taste bud that is not interested in samosas. Yes, we agree. Samosas are more than just a popular roadside snack; they are an expression of emotion. That’s why it’s not easy to part with this delicious triangular taste. However, dieters often wonder if eating just one samosa can derail their weight loss journey. In this article, we will answer the question “Can I eat samosas while losing weight?”

Can you eat samosas on a weight loss trip?[1]

Are samosas good for weight loss?

Since it’s just a samosa, it can’t have too many calories. right? Nothing wrong! A large fried samosa has between 250 and 300 calories. If you eat more than one, the calories will add up quickly. Most importantly, the weight loss game is not necessarily a “fewer calories in, burn more calories” formula. The nutrients in food are also important! Due to the refined flour and high oil content, samosas do not contain many nutrients. Also read: “Are air-fried foods effective for weight loss?”

Samosa calorie breakdown:

To make 1-2 medium samosas, you will need:

For the outer cover (fabric):

1 cup all-purpose flour (maida) – 455 calories
1 tablespoon oil – 124 calories
Pinch of salt – NA
Water (amount needed to make the dough) – NA

About stuffing:

1 medium boiled potato, mashed – 211 calories
1/4 cup peas (fresh or frozen) – 29 calories
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds – NA
1/2 teaspoon ginger garlic paste (optional) – NA
1 green chilli, finely chopped (adjust to taste) – NA
1/2 teaspoon garam masala – NA
1/2 teaspoon coriander powder – NA
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder – NA
1/2 teaspoon red chili powder (adjust to taste) – NA
Salty to your liking
1 tablespoon sautéing oil – 124 calories

For frying:

Enough oil for frying (2210 calories/sunflower oil).

Now, not all of the oil used for frying is absorbed by the samosas. About 9 grams, or about 80 calories, can be absorbed.

Therefore, an average large sized samosa can contain up to 250-300 calories.

Now, let’s analyze the main ingredients of samosas. Maida is used to make the outer layer crispy and this crispiness is achieved by deep frying the samosas in oil. Also, when frying food, it absorbs oil, adding even more calories. There are various fillings and spices used to make traditional deshi samosas, but mashed or boiled white potatoes are commonly used to make the filling. White potatoes have a very high glycemic index of 82, and it takes a lot of potatoes to make stuffing. Other common ingredients include green peas, green chillies, ginger, garam masala, amchur, coriander powder, red chilli powder, and salt, none of which are too high in calories. So all the main calories come from maida, potatoes and cooking oil. There is one more concern. When kneading the dough to make flaky and crispy samosas, vegetable oil or ghee is often mixed into the dough, which further increases the calorie content. There are concerns about purchasing samosas from restaurants that reuse frying oil. That’s because repeated oil use generates free radicals and toxins that increase inflammation, another factor that increases the risk of obesity.

Final verdict on samosas:

The ultimate conclusion is that samosas are not the kind of snack you should have every day with your evening chai, especially if you’re desperately trying to lose weight. Experts say that samosas are not suitable as snacks during diets, as you need to reduce your intake of refined foods to lose excess weight.

But that doesn’t mean you have to completely abstain from this delicious and beloved snack. Indulging in the occasional samosa once or twice a week as part of a cheat meal that includes fried food is fine if you adhere to your diet throughout the week and are consistent with your exercise routine. Also read: “10 Weight Loss Friendly Snacks for Fasting During Work Hours”

Tips for enjoying samosas as a guilt-free cheat meal:

1. Air frying or baking is a better way to fry samosas than frying them in oil.
2. If you enjoy traditional frying, use healthier oils like olive oil instead of vegetable oil or dalda.
3. Use whole wheat flour instead of maida.
4. Reduce stuffed potatoes and add protein-rich ingredients like paneer, tofu, etc. You can also reduce the amount of potatoes and increase the amount of low-calorie vegetables such as green peas, mushrooms, cauliflower, onions, carrots, and green beans. , Capsicum.
5. It’s easy to eat too many samosas, but limit yourself to just one during your cheat meal. The calories will add up in no time!
6. Avoid sweet chutneys sold at street stalls. Dip the samosas in homemade mint or tomato chutney.

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