Home Makeup Checking In: Finding the Glimmers

Checking In: Finding the Glimmers

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Hello. It’s no exaggeration to say that this week has been the most mentally challenging week I’ve had in a while. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful messages about my grandmother’s death, and for helping to lighten the burden a little.

For the past few weeks I’ve been looking for a sign from her in nature, a sign to say hello wherever she is in the universe, and I think it came yesterday afternoon.

(Yes, this may seem silly to some, but this really helped me when Tubbs passed away.)

Connor and I were heading to the dance studio to practice. She opened the door, stepped outside, and said in a very calm and steady voice: Calm down and don’t scream. ”

So of course I screamed. And I jumped about 20 feet high!

The baby snake immediately ran away under the house, and I swear, it seemed really pleased with my reaction.

We are surrounded by glades on hills with lots of animals, so it’s not surprising to see snakes in the neighborhood at this time of year, but I saw one very close to my house. It is not.

Later that night, Connor was dying to know what kind of thing it was, so we looked it up. Apparently it was black and had a red collar around her neck – she gave me the details while I was busy panicking, hahaha. We investigated and found out that it is a crocodile snake that lives in our area but is very rarely sighted.

I want to believe that my grandmother greeted me with caution. In hindsight, she was too energetic to send me signs with delicate butterflies and dainty hummingbirds. The cheerful snake that suddenly appears on your doorstep wearing a red necklace is completely her style. I’m sure she’s annoyed no matter where she is.

I’m fully aware that it could have been just a coincidence, but here’s the thing. Today she is sleeping. She can’t help but appreciate the great timing.

Anyway, I was mentally very tired. I feel sad and happy at the same time…it’s a strange feeling.

So today, I’m going to take some time to take care of myself by focusing on the opposite of triggers: radiance. Glimmers are moments that occur throughout the day that bring moments of joy and peace.

As I write this, I feel a little happy. Thank you for listening.

If you can, take some time today to find your spark. They are waiting for us outside. Sometimes they show up on your doorstep in the form of a healthy baby snake. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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