Home Cosmetics Cherry Is The Ultimate Beauty Power Player

Cherry Is The Ultimate Beauty Power Player

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Photographed by Alexandra Genova

ITG is obsessed with cherries? Seeds. It started with a holiday season shoot in December. Since the studio isn’t a very glamorous place, someone (probably Daise) had the bright idea to burn one of his candles in the gift guide early.it was Sidia’s Pyro CandleI already knew it smelled good (that’s why I was filming it!), but I never expected to fall in love with pyro. That’s all we talked about all day! (Morning: “Wow, your perfume is amazing. What is it?” “That’s a candle!” Coffee break: “Hmm, it smells like cherry candy.” An hour before wrapping: “Can you hold the candle closer?” myself?) By the time the shoot was over, another one was planned. We needed to celebrate all things cherry blossom.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect holiday to double down on your cherry obsession. If you’re celebrating with someone, a sexy, smooth cherry perfume will brighten up your sappy, saccharine day. On the other hand, if you are alone, a cherry manicure is the perfect eye candy. And then there are the lips. Lots of cherry-colored lips. Scroll down to see what we mean.

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