Home Nail Art Debunking Nail Cancer Claims: UV Lamps and Dark Stripes

Debunking Nail Cancer Claims: UV Lamps and Dark Stripes

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Dark Stripe Cancer Scare 1.jpg

I saw a photo circulating There was a black stripe along the length of the nail plate that was thought to be nail cancer on the internet The cause is the UV nail lamp. Is this possible?

When I saw the photo, nail artists from seven countries asked me the following questions. The black stripes were as wide as straws. A message attached to this image incorrectly identified the streaks as “nail cancer” caused by UV nail lamps. The post was posted by someone claiming to be a friend of the person with the nail stripes, but no other information was provided. This image and message were repeated widely on the internet, even though there was no information to support this stupid and highly speculative claim. Still, many websites attacked this as if it were a fact, when in reality it is a classic example of fake news and how fake news can unduly harm a business. It shows whether there is.

Revealing the motives behind baseless nail lamp claims

Personally, I believe this particular “misinformation” was planted by fear-based activists in an attempt to mislead the public about UV nail lamps. Yes, I have seen fear-based activists do this many times before. This was an outlandish claim and there was no evidence to support it, but when the goal is to cause irrational fear, no evidence is needed.

Dispelling the myths: Understand the real cause of black streaks on nails

This is a fact. There is no reason to believe that such black stripes are not caused by UV lamps, as they are a relatively common condition that occurs on the hands and feet of men, women, and children who have never been to a nail salon. This can happen.

These dark stripes are very common around the world, primarily in people with darker skin, but are relatively rare in people with lighter skin. These dark stripes can occur for a variety of reasons and occur when the nail matrix cells begin to produce melanin. It can be caused by pregnancy, nail biting, carpal tunnel syndrome, psoriasis, viral warts, hyperthyroidism, exposure to x-rays, phototherapy, medications, excess iron in the diet, and many other causes. There is a possibility. In rare cases, this can indicate the presence of tumors, but these are much more likely to be caused by recreational sun exposure rather than UV nail lamps.

UV Nail Lamp: Separating Fact from Fiction in Nail Health Issues

UV nail lamps are very unlikely to cause such problems because the nail plate has a high natural SPF that protects the nail bed and the matrix is ​​buried under a thick layer of skin. These UV lamps have been repeatedly proven to be safe to use. So there’s no reason to believe this story, no reason to believe this black streak was caused by a UV nail lamp, and no reason to believe the person who posted this information. Especially since she refused to respond to my emails or communicate with others who tried to contact her to follow up on these claims.

Personally, I suspect this is a complete myth. That means the people behind this nonsense were intentionally trying to hurt the business of salons everywhere. This is becoming the norm. Fear-based activists regularly attack the nail industry with misinformation to instill fear, and often trick the news media into spreading their agenda. That’s why it’s so important for nail professionals to educate themselves about nails and nail products so they can counter these sophisticated deceptions. Don’t be fooled, get the facts from people who know.

Enhance your nail expertise with “Meet Doug Schoon”

I am creating the “Face-to-Face with Doug Schoon” series to provide accurate information to nail professionals and dispel misconceptions on the internet. Please do not be misled by false information. Empower yourself with knowledge. For the facts you need, check out my e-book series at https://nailknowledge.org/shop.

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