Home Skin care Does Your Skin Need A Reset? Do This 7-Day Challenge!

Does Your Skin Need A Reset? Do This 7-Day Challenge!

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After a summer filled with sun, heat, chlorine, salt water, and sunscreen, our skin often becomes damaged and dull as a result. Increase in pimpleslack of shine. Seasonal skin care adjustments Many of us are so used to it, but sometimes it just doesn’t seem like enough. If you’ve neglected your skin care during lazy summer days, developed brown spots from sun exposure, faced breakouts from clogged pores and sunscreen, or experienced dryness from chlorine and salt water, this fall… , your skin may need some extra TLC. and i have just a challenge to you.

This October, I launched the 7-day #OBEYRENEE challenge. This is my first guided 7-day challenge aimed at repairing your skin after summer, with daily videos from me personally. This week-long routine I call Skin HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is what I do every fall to get my skin back on track and I want to share it with you. . All you need to get started is a few basic skin care products (most of which you probably already own) and seven days to spend on achieving your best glow ever. Let’s shine!

Which skin care products do you need for this 7-day challenge?

Before we get into the challenge, here is an overview of the essential and optional skin care products we recommend for this 7-day challenge.


Better to have:

Don’t have all the Renée Rouleau products I use? No worries! Every morning and night, I only use skin care products from my own line (excluding prescription retinoids and a few tools) new face, gua sha, etc.), but I understand that not everyone has the exact same product that I have. Please use the product you have that most closely matches what I recommend and check the FAQ at the bottom of this page. This page We will suggest alternative products!

This is an introductory video of my 7 day challenge.As for my daily morning and afternoon routine, here is here.

What strength retinol should I use?

The strength of retinol, retinoid, tretinoin, or other type of vitamin A you should use during your 7-day challenge will depend on your individual skin type and previous experience with this ingredient.If you are… retinol beginner If you’re not sure how your skin will react, look for products that are more beginner-friendly to minimize uncertainty about potential dryness or irritation. However, if you are used to retinol and are looking for a more transformative experience, we recommend using the strongest retinol that you feel comfortable with. Keep in mind that the more powerful the retinol, the more noticeable the results will be.

Are there any side effects?

It’s important to note that using retinol and vitamin A products can cause side effects such as sensitivity, dryness, and peeling. This is all considered normal, as the skin barrier is compromised for a short period of time during this challenge (especially days 4-6, when retinol takes effect). If at any point these side effects become excessive, modify your routine to meet your specific needs.

Why is moisturizer an option for some nights?

As you progress through the challenge, you may notice that it calls for the use of moisturizer as an optional step. This is because there is a term called “product entrapment.” If you are new to (or sensitive to) active ingredients like vitamin A, you can choose to layer a moisturizer on top and bottom of your vitamin A application to create a buffer between the vitamin A and your skin. This dilutes the strength of the vitamin A and therefore reduces the strength of its side effects. However, if you want to reap all the benefits of vitamin A and its potential exfoliating effects (maximum collagen-strengthening effects), you can also opt out of using a moisturizer before and after using retinol/vitamin A products. can. This allows the vitamin A to work deeper into the skin, potentially resulting in more visible results.

Can I repeat this 7-day challenge?

Good news for those who like a challenge. You can try again and again. If you feel your skin needs extra benefits, he recommends repeating this 7-day challenge.

Tip: We recommend waiting 2-3 weeks between each challenge to maximize results and give your skin the rest it needs. This will allow your skin to fully recover and allow you to get the most out of each experience.

Is this 7-day challenge suitable for all skin types?

yes!this applies to all 9 skin types. If you want to give your skin a glow, this challenge is for you. Make sure you are using the right products for your skin type.

Will skipping a step degrade my results?

Ideally, you should follow each step for best results, but sometimes there’s no need to worry too much about skipping one. Try to stick to your routine as closely as possible. However, remember that skipping a step here or there won’t ruin your chances of achieving great results. Good luck and enjoy your trip!

I have difficulty using retinol, what should I use?

If you don’t have retinol or just don’t want to use it, that’s totally fine. However, be aware that without retinol, you may not experience the same transformational results. Retinol has significant collagen-boosting and exfoliating effects, especially in prescription strength. But if you don’t like retinol or can’t use it for some reason, don’t worry. You’ll get smooth skin results that your skin will love.

The 7-day #OBEYRENEE challenge is a great opportunity to reset and rejuvenate your skin after summer. If you missed this challenge, stay tuned for the next challenge. Until then, Follow us on YouTube And give your skin the care it deserves. Your glowing end-of-summer glow will be ready in just 7 days.

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