Home Cosmetics FDA reopens comment period for proposed increase in color certification fees

FDA reopens comment period for proposed increase in color certification fees

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Fda Reopens Comment Period For Proposed Increase In Color Certification Fees.jpg

In an update published on April 25, 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revised the certification of color additives, which was originally published in a report titled “Certification of Color Additives, Increases Fees for Certification Services.” We have announced that we have reopened the comment period for the proposed rule. Federal Register, November 2, 2022. This reopening, scheduled for 30 days, will provide supporting information in FDA’s administrative records and help align cost and benefit numbers with preliminary regulatory impact analysis.

About unique rules

The first proposed rule, which received attention when it was first introduced, is intended to address the increasing costs associated with regulatory oversight and compliance for color additives. Color additives play an important role in the formulation of cosmetics and personal care products, and color additives are widely used to enhance effectiveness. The visual appeal of products such as makeup, hair color, and skin care regimens. According to the FDA’s first component update issued on November 1 of last year, “Once finalized; proposed ruleis implementing a 10 cents per pound increase in color certification fees. “This is his first proposed price increase since 2005, when the current schedule took effect.”

As further explained in the FDA’s original component update, “Manufacturers pay fees to ensure that the color certification program continues to operate at the high level of quality and efficiency expected by the industry. “Increased fees are necessary to cover increased operating costs,” based on the weight of each batch, and these fees support the FDA’s Color Certification Program. ”

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