Home Beauty Foods That Are Good For Skin: Pearl Barley & Quinoa

Foods That Are Good For Skin: Pearl Barley & Quinoa

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Image credit: Liz Collins for Spanish Vogue

We all know that protein, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables are great for staying healthy, but some people struggle with what to serve alongside these key elements. It’s easy to fall into the mindset that carbs are the enemy, forgetting that there are plenty of legumes and grains that contain the vital nutrients our body needs to stay at its best. Not sure where to start? Meet two skin-friendly foods: pearl barley and quinoa. Both are high in protein and packed with skin-loving nutrients, making them great for vegans and vegetarians too. Want to learn more about these super grains? Read on and pick up a copy of my book, Eat Beautiful, for skin-loving recipes you can try at home today.

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Image courtesy of David Loftus, Eat Beautiful

Pearl barley

You may not know this, but pearl barley is a complete protein, just like eggs. That’s right. Pearl barley contains all 9 amino acids that can only be obtained through diet. If you’re vegan or don’t eat eggs, pearl barley is a great addition to your diet. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it perfect for those who suffer from skin problems. Plus, it’s rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion and keeps your skin clean and healthy. It also contains B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, and zinc. And most importantly for your skin, selenium helps support your skin by keeping it elastic and protecting it from UV damage. Overall Skin HealthA hidden hero!


Remember when quinoa suddenly started appearing on everything? It seemed like quinoa replaced couscous overnight, right? Well, I’m glad it did. Unlike pearl barley, quinoa is not a grain and is completely gluten-free, making it a really convenient alternative to cereals, pasta and rice. It’s high in protein and low in carbs, a great source of amino acids and full of fiber, which helps boost your metabolism and keep your skin looking clear. It also contains skin-friendly B vitamins, which make a big difference. Plus, it’s super filling, so it’s a great side dish to any main if you want to control your portion sizes or stop eating too many puddings. It’s also a great base for poke bowls and salads.

Eat Beautiful has recipes for pearl barley and chocolate porridge and a delicious pomegranate salad with quinoa that you’ll love this season.

Recipe Time: Pomegranate salad | Grilled eggplant | Beet and Quinoa Burger

© Wendy Rowe. All rights reserved.

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