Home Cosmetics Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #731

Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #731

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Friday Discovery and Check-in, Volume #731

Share your latest beauty purchases or favorites you’ve rediscovered in your stash (for those of you who are cash-strapped or haven’t bought them yet!), chat about your weekend plans, and get to know each other a little better.

Let’s chat!

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Recent purchases/rediscoveries: Nothing new this week! 🙂

weekend plans: I hope to calm down and write my overdue review on Saturday. My parents are coming over on Sunday, so I get to meet them and play in the afternoon!

Are there any (non-beauty) Black Friday deals you’re looking forward to? I had my eye on a few pieces of jewelry, but my big purchase was the Three Moons earrings.

Dog of the Week Photo/Video…

photos of pets Temptalia Pets flickr group!

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