Home Makeup From Dab to Fab: My Haircare Journey

From Dab to Fab: My Haircare Journey

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From Dab to Fab: My Haircare Journey – Traya Review – Gaan, Lambe and Sunderbar have always been symbols of beauty for Indian women. To achieve this, efforts begin from childhood. Our mothers and grandmothers will always continue to support us in this journey, as they practically do everything for us, especially in childhood. We leave no stone unturned to achieve the hair of our dreams, including hot oil champis and various homemade hair masks.

Personally, I’ve never had thick, thick hair, but maybe that’s just genetics. My hair has always been thin, but healthy. I have to give credit to my mom who never missed a weekly Champis and hair mask when I was a kid.

It is true that hair plays an important role in our overall appearance as hair is the first thing people notice about us. In my opinion, hair is a good opportunity to make an impressive first impression. Imagine neat, healthy hair, then imagine curly, fine hair. It definitely makes a huge difference.

We often use the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but it’s not always easy to apply. As you can see, kids hate these hair care routines, and I was no exception. But my mother never forgot the days when she didn’t eat champi on Saturday nights. This is how my hair care journey began. I’m not going to lie, as I grew older I started to notice the effects of Champis and masks. My hair was always so soft and shiny and I was proud of it. Most importantly, I have never experienced severe hair loss. Once again, my mother deserves all the credit for everything. I like long hair, and I had long hair until my mid-20s.

I didn’t have to worry about hair loss, so I was very happy to be able to enjoy long hair, and my husband also liked it. Being a beauty blogger by profession, I have had to expose my hair to a variety of products. Sometimes, certain products would react with my hair or scalp and cause hair loss, but I had a homemade treatment to resolve it. Basically, hair loss wasn’t a big problem for me.

Things were going well for me. In fact, even after giving birth to my first child, I didn’t suffer from postpartum hair loss. You can easily guess that until now, I have basically never had any major hair loss problems. What I’ve had has been seasonal or due to certain hair care products and hasn’t been too difficult to deal with.

However, things changed drastically when I moved from Mumbai to Lucknow. The whole migration process was very hectic and we started working on it several months ago. As a result, I wasn’t able to stick to my hair and skin care routine for quite some time. Ever since I moved to Lucknow and settled there, I noticed that I was losing a little more hair on a regular basis. At first, I thought it might be because I moved around the city and didn’t take good care of my hair.

So I started sticking closely to my old hair care routine and added some new anti-hair loss products, but it seemed like I was losing more hair. It was alarming to me and started to have a negative effect on my mental health. I was trying desperately to stop my hair from falling.

I added some supplements to my daily diet to keep my hair healthy. Actually, I started doing yoga, too, and talked to a lady at the salon I go to. But nothing I tried gave me any results, so I took medication. It worked for a while, but unfortunately it ruined the texture of my hair. My hair has never been this dull and dry before. So I had no choice but to stop taking the medication.

The obvious result is that my hair loss has returned. For me, it wasn’t just hair loss, so I remained clueless about what to do to at least control hair loss. I was losing confidence with each passing day. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve never had thick hair, so you can imagine how frustrating it is to have thinning hair and start losing it at an alarming rate.

As my hairline thinned and my forehead started to look larger, I started avoiding going out in public because I was worried that people would notice and ask me questions. I just wanted to avoid that unpleasant situation. In fact, I also noticed a change in her attitude towards her husband and daughter. I needed a solution immediately.

That’s when I discovered Toraya In an Instagram Reel, a woman shared her battle with hair loss and how using Traya treatments helped her tackle it. She gave me the inspiration to start my journey with her Traya. Traya claims to be different from other hair loss solutions because it treats hair loss internally by identifying the root cause of hair loss.

After learning how Traya works, my husband really encouraged me to try it. He pointed out that it was different from any treatment I had tried before. I did not resist his suggestion, but at first I had many doubts about its effectiveness. Although I was worried, I decided to give it a chance because I had a strong desire to find a solution.Her husband also shared something positive. Traya hair product reviewsthat gave me confidence.

The first step was to take a free online hair test. Here they looked at my lifestyle, existing medical conditions, and hair care plan. This helped them understand the root causes of my hair loss: stress and poor gut health. Based on my answers, they sent me a hair kit and meal plan prescribed by my doctor. They also taught me something very important. My hair loss won’t magically disappear within a month. It took at least 5-6 months and required a consistent treatment process.

The hair kit included personalized Traya products such as serums, oils, and supplements that should be used in combination rather than individually to meet my hair requirements holistically . It was her 30 day kit and she had to buy a new one after that was over. So, I finally started my hair growth journey with the first Traya kit that was sent to me.

What impresses me most about Traya is that customers can easily connect with a hair coach by scheduling a call to address any questions or concerns. I started using her Traya treatment kit and in the first few weeks, I honestly couldn’t notice a difference. But I knew this would take some time, so I continued with the kit. In addition to that, they also provided me with a customized diet plan.

At first, I tried to follow everything carefully, but as a working adult and a mother of children in school, it gradually became difficult to follow everything. After consulting with Traya’s hair coach about this, I received a modified eating chart through Traya’s app and was pleasantly surprised that it was much easier for me.

After the first month of the kit, Traya’s treatment seemed to have no effect and my hair loss did not improve. She felt hopeless and was ready to quit, but her husband came to her rescue again. He said to me, “I know it’s going to take time, so don’t give up.” He encouraged me to reconnect with my hair coach and share my concerns. After speaking with my hair coach, I felt a new sense of hope. I will always be grateful to her husband and Traya for not letting me give up.

During this overwhelming time, I often read the following books: Toraya review Various customers have written to me, and they have given me hope. After about 3-4 months of continuous use of Toraya treatments and regular consultations with my hair coach, I was finally able to see what I had wanted for so long. I felt like my hair loss was decreasing. What a relief that was for me! I was really happy and filled with emotion. Traya did something for me that no other treatment on the market could do.

I won’t sugarcoat – At the stage of uncontrollable hair loss, I felt like there was no way to end it and the thought of being dependent on a wig for the rest of my life was heartbreaking and often brought tears to my eyes . At that point I had lost all hope. But everything changed when I met Traya and trusted the process. What seemed almost impossible just a few months ago is now a reality thanks to Traya’s treatment.

Traya’s treatment not only stopped my hair loss and stimulated new hair growth, it also left my hair healthier than ever. My hair feels incredibly soft and noticeably stronger. I have always been grateful to have healthy hair, but now more than ever I truly understand the contrast between having healthy hair and constantly battling hair problems. Ta.

Thanks to Traya, I love my hair again. The thinning hair around my hairline that was clearly visible a few months ago is now almost invisible, and I feel much more confident going out. My hair is still short, but healthy, voluminous, and full of life. You can style it the way you want, so you don’t have to worry about hair loss anymore. A few months ago, I was afraid to comb my hair even once a day, but now I can’t stop running my fingers through it.

Yes, the whole process took a while. I can’t say that I saw results immediately, but it was worth the wait. I wish I had found Traya before I had to go through that nightmarish situation for so long. But as the saying goes, better late than never.

Now, you must be wondering if Traya treatment really works.

Well, the answer to that question is 100% yes! Without a doubt, Toraya treatments are very effective. This comprehensive approach will not only help restore your hair, but also boost your lost confidence. The process may take some time, but the results are guaranteed. The key is patience, and speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that with continued treatment, your hair will definitely return to its healthy days.

Looking through Traya’s hair review section further increased my confidence in the treatment. After seeing so many positive reviews, I felt the need to share my own detailed experience to help others looking for similar help. For those curious about Traya’s success rate, there are over 25,000 reviews of her Traya products, with 93% of them seeing tangible results, myself included.

I would like to sincerely thank Traya for giving me back my life (yes, that’s how I feel). And it would be unfair not to thank her husband for supporting me all this time. this period.

If you are also going through a tough time where your hair won’t stop falling out and no matter what you do, you don’t see any results, I would like you to try Traya.Receive it for free online test And talk to a hair coach. You will surely feel a new hope within you. And Traya will definitely make it happen for you, just like they did for me.

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