Home Skin care From Soil To Skin: Why Eminence Organics Uses Regenerative Farming Practices

From Soil To Skin: Why Eminence Organics Uses Regenerative Farming Practices

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in Eminence organic skin care, we have always known that nourishing the skin starts with seeds. Since his founding in 1958, long before the word “organic” was commonplace, Eminence Organics has prided itself on implementing environmentally friendly practices that reduce the company’s carbon footprint. . While you may be well-known for our commitment to using natural, organic ingredients, we have also always used regenerative agriculture to foster a richer, healthier planet. Regenerative agriculture is a promising approach that focuses on strengthening and maintaining the health of the entire farm ecosystem, especially the soil. Let’s explore together why we’re at the forefront of this green movement.

What is regenerative agriculture?

Although regenerative agriculture has only recently gained widespread attention, it has deep historical roots. This method incorporates techniques such as crop rotation, application of natural compost, and support of diverse ecosystems. It’s a farming method that takes care of the earth as much as it takes care of the crops.

Regenerative agriculture nourishes the planet and promotes healthy crop growth, while also addressing the broader environmental challenge of reducing carbon emissions. The agricultural sector, including forests and other land uses, accounts for almost 25% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, making CO2 the main driver of climate change. But agriculture is also in a position to contribute to solving this crisis by creating a sustainable, carbon-free future. It may seem contradictory, but Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change We explain that harnessing the mitigation potential of agriculture is essential to reducing emissions. A promising approach is regenerative agriculture, which focuses on improving and maintaining the health of the entire farm ecosystem, especially the soil.

Although regenerative agriculture has received widespread attention recently, it has deep historical roots. Traditionally, farmers have instinctively used methods that respect and maintain the earth’s natural balance. This approach lost prominence with the Industrial Revolution, modernizing agriculture but at the expense of environmental health. Regenerative agriculture is currently experiencing a resurgence, highlighting its growing relevance and necessity in modern agriculture. Let’s take a look at the key differences between regenerative agriculture, known for its use of natural fertilizers and soil-enriching compost, and the methods used in conventional agriculture.

Regenerative agriculture vs. conventional agriculture

Traditional regenerative techniques are making a big comeback in the world of agriculture. So what’s the difference?

Renewable agriculture:

  • Contains natural and organic fertilizers
  • Contains compost to strengthen the soil
  • Perform gentle tillage if necessary
  • maintain weed cover
  • use crop rotation
  • Defending biodiversity

Conventional agriculture:

  • Depends on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers
  • Contains almost no compost
  • Requires frequent tilling/frequent use
  • remove weeds
  • Use monoculture or polyculture
  • Focus on high crop yield

Our Regenerative Agriculture Mission

Located between the Danube and Tisza rivers, Eminence Certified Organic Farm has been committed to regenerative agriculture since its inception. Our farmers practice crop rotation and natural composting, encouraging biodiversity that revitalizes the land. These technologies ensure that the raw materials used in our products are environmentally sustainable and grown in a way that supports local ecosystems.

Regenerative agricultural technology that we love


A truly natural way to fertilize! We can break down organic waste into nutritious compost and return it to the soil.

winter weed cover

Weeds aren’t the only bad thing. Winter weed cover nourishes spring crops and helps retain soil moisture.

crop rotation

Each season gives different fields time to rest, giving the soil time to replenish the nutrients it needs.

Fallow fields

Each season gives different fields time to rest, giving the soil time to replenish the nutrients it needs.

companion planting

Place plants near their friends! Consider planting repellent calendula near insect-attracting substances, such as tomatoes, to provide natural protection.

Improving soil quality

Eminence Certified Organic farms use minimal tillage and nutrient-rich regenerative agriculture to improve soil quality and produce healthier, more nutritious crops.

Improved water conservation

Efficient water use is a hallmark of regenerative agriculture. This technology reduces water usage, increases soil water-holding capacity, and minimizes harmful runoff.

ecosystem diversity

Crop rotation and avoidance of pesticides grow a variety of plants, support local wildlife, and promote a balanced ecosystem and clean air.

Initiatives against climate change

Our dedication to nature is inextricably linked to our commitment to the Earth. Regenerative agriculture plays a key role in capturing carbon emissions and promoting the growth of hardy crops, making a significant contribution to mitigating climate change.

community engagement

Eminence farms are part of a global network of sustainable farms, contributing to new economic opportunities and ecosystem restoration.

We are committed to finding organic and earth-friendly solutions in every aspect of our business. Click here to learn more about our environmental efforts. What would you like to do to help the planet? Let us know in the comments below or chat with us on social media.

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