Home Cosmetics GAO releases report reviewing ‘FDA oversight of cosmetic safety’

GAO releases report reviewing ‘FDA oversight of cosmetic safety’

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Last week, the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) released the following report: Report to Congressional Requesters on Cosmetic Safety. GAO was asked to review FDA oversight of cosmetic safety. The organization’s report “(1) Research on the safety of selected substances in cosmetics; and (2) FDA actions to implement the new authority and how these actions will lead to selected key practices for agency reform. Find out how well you have handled it.

To compile the report, GAOWe reviewed scientific literature and FDA documents and interviewed FDA officials.,”,and”We compared FDA’s actions to implement MoCRA with key practices of selected agency reforms.

GAO’s review of these materials revealed the following:Since MoCRA’s enactment, FDA has taken a number of important steps to implement some of MoCRA’s requirements.”, including appointing a principal investigator to lead MoCRA implementation, the report states:To better ensure the full and successful implementation of MoCRA, FDA should manage and monitor the progress of MoCRA-related efforts against the planned interim steps and interim deadlines included in the implementation plan..” GAO’s report follows the passage of the Cosmetic Regulatory Modernization Act (MoCRA) last December.Expands FDA’s authority to oversee cosmetic safety

Cosmetic safety testing

In its review and evaluation of research on cosmetic safety, GAO states: DecidedResearch has enough evidence to prove thatthat certain substances contained in cosmetics may be harmful to human health;“Be careful in the meantime”Most of these potentially harmful substances are added by manufacturers to perform a specific function and can take years to develop, so their impact can be difficult to ascertain. .

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