Home Beauty Here’s Our Updated City Guide – The Anna Edit

Here’s Our Updated City Guide – The Anna Edit

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So this post is a little late, but I figured it was better late than never. We returned to New York last November and had a wonderful time. Not only did we have perhaps the best weather ever, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and it was unseasonably warm enough for us to wear light jackets. – We had the opportunity to revisit some favorite places we hadn’t been to in years and discover some new gems.Now it’s time to share!! If this is your first time reading my guide to New York, it might be best to start with my guide original post (It’s from 2017, so it’s a little old) My post revised in 2020 is more up-to-date, but the best way to see all my recommendations is this map It has been viewed 140,000 times! How crazy is that? It’s very useful, if I do say so myself, and includes color-coded guides for hotels, brunch, dinner, coffee, shopping, nightlife, sightseeing, etc…

Travel points:

jet lag is deadly – Especially if you reprogram your little one to start at 6am every day. I was able to sleep until 5am on the last day at the latest!! To hack this, you need to book an early breakfast and dinner and be in bed by around 9pm. It wasn’t all that appealing, especially in the city that never sleeps, but we actually weren’t that jet-lagged when we got home.

You no longer need a MetroCard to ride the subway. With Apple Pay, you just tap to start your trip. The subway remains the cheapest, fastest and best way to travel.

I think I’m converted to staying in Williamsburg.. I love the atmosphere of this neighborhood and the restaurants there are also great. I never felt like I was missing out by not being based in Manhattan. It’s perfect for the stage of life we’re in (though if I was visiting with my girlfriend I’d definitely go for a more central location, it just depends on what you’re looking for!).

Leave extra space in your suitcase – I had a lot of fun shopping (and ended up paying for extra baggage on the way home!).

4 days itinerary:

I always find it useful to display the itinerary here. In case you are looking for a great place to start or start your trip. Remember, we are exhausted parents. Ha! We could have crammed in a lot more, but ultimately we wanted to travel at a slightly slower pace than usual. Also, we’ve been several times before and never did anything classic touristy. You’re lucky because you’ve already done them. My past two New York posts include more prepared itineraries.

first day

3 pm – Arrive at JFK.

5pm – check-in Hotel Then unload your luggage. We explored the local area and did a lot of Christmas shopping. Smoochy baby.

7pm – We had dinner at Cafe Mogadormanaged to fit into a slice from Joe’s Since then.I was still hungry, so I ate a little. ice cream I also took a detour to my hometown. trader joe’s I love overseas supermarkets.

9 pm – Back to the hotel and back to bed.

Day 2

9am – Breakfast at Sunday in Brooklyn – Always recommend here.

10:30am – Shopping in Williamsburg – Find all my recommendations here.Be sure to check out creed. Return to the hotel, drop off your luggage, and buy some snacks.

2 pm – Across the Williamsburg Bridge The Vintage Twin (great but expensive for Levi’s 501), then FAO Schwarz To pick up something for the little guy.

7pm – Dinner at ABC kitchenreturn to the hotel.

third day

9am – Breakfast at the hotel and then departure peloton studio I’m going to have a live class!!

12pm – Return to Williamsburg for lunch. Mr. Frankelwe stopped at a few shops on the way back to the hotel.

3 pm – Time to relax back at the hotel – We were tired from the early start!

7pm – Dinner at rule of thirdsreturn to the hotel.

Day 4

9am – Breakfast at Russ & Daughters to meet lizzie!

10:30pm – jumped in Awake Vintage, whole foods Then I took the subway sephora.

12pm – buy a sandwich misson sandwich social. If we’re busy, we recommend ordering online and picking up. This place is crowded.

3 pm – Check out of the hotel and return to JFK.

photo credit mark newton

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