Home Beauty How Do I Stop Seasonal Affective Disorder? Tips for SAD

How Do I Stop Seasonal Affective Disorder? Tips for SAD

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If you’re feeling more depressed than usual this time of year, it might be more than just depression. Up to 1 in 15 of us suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is depression associated with seasonal changes. And given the circumstances, 2021 could be worse than ever. Symptoms include persistent low mood, loss of interest in activities, irritability, daytime sleepiness, difficulty waking up in the morning, and a desire to eat more. Carbohydrates and weight gain. At this time of year, most of us are convinced that at least one of these applies to him, but if you can check most of these boxes, you may have SAD.

by NHS website: “Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern.SAD is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. Sometimes known as “winter depression.” A small number of people with seasonal affective disorder may experience symptoms in the summer and get better in the winter. ”

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What causes SAD?

The main cause is all due to the limited supply of sunlight during the winter months. During this time, your body may produce more melatonin (the sleep hormone), making you feel sleepy and tired more often. Lack of sunlight can also lead to decreased production of serotonin, the “happy hormone,” which can lead to feelings of depression. Shorter days can also affect your body clock, which can lead to symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. So, other than wintering in Australia, what can you do to prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder from ruining your winter?

Image credit @ Ippolita

Here are my top picks for mood-boosting tips during this time.


Not only is exercise a great stress reliever, but exercising regularly can improve your sleep quality and minimize the effects of extra sleepy days. Try a hot yoga class to warm up or a dance class to further boost your mood (dance classes always make you feel great).

please eat happily

Of course, eating a healthy diet is always important in improving your overall health, but this is especially important if you’re feeling the effects of SAD. A sugar crash will only make you want more, so curb those nagging carb cravings and choose a balanced diet rich in protein that provides slow-release energy and plenty of nutrients. For ideas on simple and healthy recipes designed specifically for winter, check out my book Eat Beautiful.

Let’s go outdoors

Lack of sunlight at this time of year is one of the main causes of worsening Seasonal Affective Disorder, but it’s important to make the most of it whenever possible. There are less than 10 minutes of sunlight on the way to and from the subway or bus stop before and after work. So make sure to leave the office during your lunch break to spend as much time as possible soaking up the sun. Enjoy your weekend outing as much as possible. Going for a run a few times a week can really help fight off the blues.


The government recommends that we all take vitamin D supplements during the fall and winter months, as it is impossible for our bodies to receive enough sunlight to produce the necessary amount of the vitamin. . The most effective (and easiest) way to take this is through an oral spray, which is absorbed directly into the bloodstream.try it better youth play You can get it once a day or check out Dr. Nigma Talib’s Vitamin D Sun Capsules.

light therapy

Lack of sunlight is thought to be one of the main causes of SAD, so it makes sense that getting more sunlight would reduce symptoms. Since flying to the Caribbean is not possible for most of us, light therapy is an alternative treatment. There are many SAD lights on the market, but make sure your choice has the proper medical approval, especially if your doctor has recommended this treatment.

If you are concerned that you may be suffering from SAD, please consult a medical professional for further help and advice.

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