Home Beauty How Do You Boost Your Skin’s Immunity? Skinmunity Guide

How Do You Boost Your Skin’s Immunity? Skinmunity Guide

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Image credit @ Chris Colls, Behind the Blind

The skin is the body’s largest organ and plays an important role in protecting us from external aggressors. Keeping skin healthy is not only vital to our overall health, but health issues can often show up on your skin sooner than anywhere else. Understanding and strengthening skin immunity, or skin immunity, is essential to maintaining healthy, glowing skin.

Image credit @ Chris Colls, Behind the Blind

What is the Skin Community?

skin immune system is a complex network of cells that protects the body from environmental stressors, infections, and disease. Our skin barrier serves as the first line of defense against harmful exposures from the external and internal environment, and skin immune function is essential. Boosting your skin’s immunity is essential to maintaining processes such as inflammation, immune response, wound healing, and disease prevention to keep you looking and feeling your best at any time of the year.

Image credit @ Chris Colls, Behind the Blind

How can I increase my skin’s immunity?

eat beautifully

Vitamin A plays an important role in skin immunity and the skin microbiome. Vitamin A deficiency is associated with a decreased immune response and increased susceptibility to skin infections and inflammation. To support skin immunity, include foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens in your diet. Learn about the best skin-friendly foods (and how to make delicious meals with them) in my book, Eat Beautiful.

Use antioxidants

Regular use of topical antioxidants, such as vitamin C, can also boost skin immunity. These antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and protect the skin from oxidative stress, helping to promote good skin immunity.


To protect your skin’s immune system, it’s important to wear high-level, broad-spectrum SPF every day. Overexposure to UV rays causes damage, inflammation, and weakens the skin’s immune system.

hydration is key

A skin care routine that cleanses and moisturizes, along with proper sleep and hydration, promotes healthy immune function in the skin. Using skin care products that support your skin’s natural barrier and hydration is a must. Check out these quick-fix moisturizing boosters.

Read next: Important tips for dealing with colds | Foods that boost immunity

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