Home Hair How Issa Rae Has Kept Her Edges in Tact All These Years

How Issa Rae Has Kept Her Edges in Tact All These Years

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allure: The most important beauty tip you’ve ever received is…

Ray: Honestly, we all know this, but just because you’re lazy, don’t sleep with your makeup on or skip it with your makeup on. Joanna SimkinMy makeup artist is running a “Bare in the Air” campaign to make people aware of how unhealthy it is to fly on a plane with makeup on your face. I don’t always follow the rules, but I know it’s bad for you.

[Editor’s note: Bare in the Air is an unofficial social campaign that Simkin started “to make sure everybody was taking proper care of their skin while traveling,” according to Simkin. The makeup artist adds that she is “working on some TSA-approved goodies people can pack in their carry-ons to continue to love their skin in flight.”

Allure: How have you kept your hair so healthy all these years?

Rae: I was not taking care of my hair for a while because I didn’t know how to. Getting involved with Sienna Naturals and understanding the root of hair health has helped me. Working with [hair stylist] felicia leatherwood She had very close and intimate access to my scalp.

Just give your hair lots of rest when you can. Sometimes that means not seeing anyone. In some cases, Zoom means you can turn off your camera and let your hair out, free and moisturized, without having to tie it up or put it up in a tight ponytail or bun. To do.

allure: What do you like most about preparing?

Ray: doing my face I like to keep my face pretty with lipstick, mascara, eyebrow tint, and glasses. That’s my uniform. I’m happy to be true to myself.

allure: What is your least favorite part of preparing?

Ray: I’m very meticulous, so I sometimes get my hair done. It’s a process.

allure: How would you describe Issa Rae’s signature look?

Ray: In addition to her bare face and glasses, she also wears high pants, a T-shirt, jeans, and zippers.

allure:What is your favorite part of your face?

Ray: That’s very funny, I never thought of that…smile.

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