Home Nail Art How to Handle a Snapped Acrylic Nail: Repair Tips

How to Handle a Snapped Acrylic Nail: Repair Tips

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If you’ve experienced the frustration of breaking your acrylic nails and taking part of your natural nails with them, you’re not alone. This is a common accident and you may be wondering how you can correct the situation and prevent it from happening again.

In this article, we will consider effective solutions for repairing broken acrylic nails and discuss preventive measures to protect your nails from future damage. Whether you’re dealing with a surprise holiday or want to avoid it in the future, we’ll give you practical tips and advice.

Keep it clean: Basic care for broken acrylic nails

It is important to keep the affected nail clean. This is especially true if you were wearing artificial nail products at the time.

  • Cleaning and disinfection: Wash your hands and damaged nails with a mild detergent and warm water to remove dirt and debris. Pat the area dry with a clean towel and wash with a mild disinfectant or disinfectant to prevent infection or further infection. Do not soak in water baths as this may encourage pathogen colonization.
  • Trim and file: First, cut out the jagged edges of the broken nail with nail clippers. Then use a nail file to gently smooth the edges to prevent snagging and further damage.
  • Protection and support: If the nail is partially attached, use a small soft foam bandage or non-stick wrap to hold the nail in place and support it until it heals. Be gentle and avoid applying pressure to the injured area.
  • Gentle care: Be gentle with your hands and avoid activities that can further damage a damaged nail, such as picking, pulling, or biting.Save your nailss Keep it short to reduce the risk of further breakage.

Tips for safely healing a broken nail

  • If you cut it short, keep it clean (wash with mild detergent, rinse, oil) and it will recover. Depending on how far the nail is damaged, it will heal within a few weeks.
  • Do not use superglue or artificial nail glue to secure your nails, as this increases the chance of infection or allergies. Patience and nurturing are the keys here.

See a doctor for a broken nail injury

If the injury is severe or if there is pain, swelling, or signs of infection (such as redness, warmth, or pus), it is important to see a medical professional or dermatologist. They will provide appropriate treatment and advice depending on the patient’s situation.

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