Home Makeup How To Tell If Stress Is Causing Your Weight Gain?

How To Tell If Stress Is Causing Your Weight Gain?

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You can literally eat nothing at all, but if you’re stressed, it’s going to be much harder to lose excess fat. This is no exaggeration, as chronic stress can make weight loss difficult. Losing weight can be very difficult, and if you’re chronically stressed, it’s a little harder to lose weight. Numerous studies have found a strong link between chronic stress and obesity. Chronic stress not only makes it harder to lose weight, but it can also make it easier to gain weight. Apart from slowing down your metabolism, the stress hormone “cortisol” increases your appetite, increasing your desire for sweets and high-calorie foods. Too much stress can lead to “emotional eating,” where you turn to food to feel better, calm your nervous excitement, or fight boredom. Remember, drinking lots of ice cream will instantly make you feel better. The problem is that the foods we rely on in stressful situations can become addictive, and asking for them too often can lead to rapid weight gain. Also, fat tends to accumulate around the waist. Therefore, overcoming stress is important for successful weight loss. But how do you tell if stress is causing your weight gain rather than other factors? Let’s find out:

How to tell if stress is causing weight gain

1. Increased desire for sweet, fatty, and salty foods:

When people experience stress, they often trigger an emotional response in which they seek comfort from food, a behavior called “emotional eating.” Under stressful situations, people often turn to foods high in sugar, fat, and calories to temporarily relieve emotional discomfort. These foods, often referred to as “comfort foods” (most often it’s chips, chocolate, candy, junk food, and ice cream), may provide temporary pleasure but are usually nutritionally inferior. I am. Eating foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats not only gives you excess calories, but also depletes you of essential nutrients, causing your body to send hunger signals more frequently to replenish those nutrients. This imbalance causes excess calories to be stored in the body as fat, resulting in weight gain over time. Also read: 10 Everyday Foods High in Sugar

2. Waking up frequently during the night:

Stress can cause you to wake up frequently during the night. People who are under stress may wake up multiple times during their sleep cycle, disrupting their sleep continuity. These awakenings are accompanied by intense thoughts and can make it difficult to go back to sleep. Stress keeps your brain in a state of hyperarousal, making it difficult to quiet your mind needed to fall into deep sleep. Also read: Things you should never do when trying to lose weight.

3. Slow down your metabolism:

Have you ever wondered why your thin friend stays thin while you’re gaining weight even though she eats the same types and amounts of food as you? ‘s metabolic activity and your metabolic sluggishness may be to blame. Cortisol is a hormone released in stressful situations that triggers the “fight-or-flight” response in the body. This hormone temporarily suppresses non-essential physiological processes such as metabolism and enhances vital functions necessary for immediate survival. Therefore, if you are constantly stressed, your body’s metabolism will slow down and remain stagnant.

4. Hormone imbalances and menstrual cycle disturbances:

Studies have shown that under chronic stress, circulating gonadotropins and gonadal steroid hormones are suppressed, causing menstrual cycle irregularities, resulting in delayed, irregular, or no periods. High cortisol also lowers estrogen, and low estrogen can cause fatigue, irregular periods, and weight gain.

5. No energy to move:

Stress can completely deplete your body and leave you with no motivation or energy to exercise. Regular exercise is essential to burn calories and maintain a healthy metabolism, and lack of physical activity leads to weight gain.

as a whole, lati beauty diet Not only does it offer great diet plans, it also emphasizes the power of lifestyle changes (i.e. how to overcome stress) for successful weight loss. Ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle with the expert guidance at Rati Beauty. When you subscribe to the Rati Beauty app, you will have access to all diet plans.

What you should never do when trying to lose weight
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