Home Cosmetics Indie brand targets underserved consumer market with natural deodorant formulation for kids and teens

Indie brand targets underserved consumer market with natural deodorant formulation for kids and teens

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Indie Brand Targets Underserved Consumer Market With Natural Deodorant Formulation For Kids And Teens.jpg

As reported in studyThe Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology states, “Sensitive skin affects approximately 50% of skin diseases.” [the] Adult population. ” As a result, countless products are launched every year that are formulated for sensitive skin, from serums, lotions, and creams to cosmetics, body washes, and deodorants.

However, very few deodorants are currently marketed to children and teenagers, and even fewer contain natural ingredients and are formulated for sensitive skin. But Kobi is poised to become a disruptor in this niche personal care product space.

We spoke to Siôn Owen, Founder and CEO of Kobi, about what inspired the development of Kobi Natural Sport Deodorant for kids and teens, the R&D process behind the product formulation, and the biggest trends and opportunities. We talked about predictions. A brand in the personal care products field.

Kobi’s mission

Owen didn’t start his career in personal care products, but has spent more than a decade and a half working in marketing for technology companies. Instead, he shared that Kobi’s inspiration came from his personal experiences.

“My friend’s 9-year-old daughter suddenly came home from school one day and woke up to a body odor that woke her up,” he explained. “As she is a young child with sensitive skin, my friend wanted a gentle, child-friendly deodorant for her. But there was nothing like it in stores and there were lackluster options online. There were just a few.”

Eventually, he continued, “I stumbled upon what I felt was an interesting opportunity,” he continued, “to start developing a deodorant that wouldn’t irritate children’s more sensitive skin,” and “soon after that, I launched the Kobi brand.” I developed a deodorant product for children as a side project to see if there was a demand for it.

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