Home Cosmetics Jennifer Davis Alexander, PhD, Founder & CEO, Dr. Jen Knows Skin

Jennifer Davis Alexander, PhD, Founder & CEO, Dr. Jen Knows Skin

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Dr. Jen Davis Alexander said she has always been interested in science, but her first job in high school was in skin care.

“I was obsessed with all kinds of skin care products and cosmetics. I worked at CVS and I think they had all the products available. So I’ve been obsessed with skin care ever since I can remember,” she says. said. “I like to say I’m a ‘nerd’ about my skin. It’s a very complicated system. It’s a very delicate system, but it protects us. The first way we feel safe when we are born into this world is through our mothers’ physical contact with us. It tells us so much when something is going on inside. And when something is happening in the world outside of us, it speaks to us. That’s why it’s so appealing to me. ”

As one of the few black women to earn a PhD in cosmetic science, Alexander has been on a mission to spread the word.

“Being the second Black person to earn a PhD in Cosmetic Science in 2010…That was one of the things that I was very proud of, but also when I started telling people about my life and started talking to people. ” About my career choice and the Cosmetic Science program. And I think it’s underexposed, so I’m really going to expose it. I think it’s not about whether people are interested, it’s about what people don’t know about it. And that motivated me to become a mentor. ”

Going back more than a decade, Alexander said her three children inspired her to become a better scientist.

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