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Life Lately – Makeup and Beauty Blog

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Well, it took a few weeks, but it’s finally done. Rosie Paws and Marnie are both running freely around the house, knocking on trees for now, and living in relative peace in their little corner of the world.

Most of the time Rosie doesn’t seem interested in Marnie, except when Marnie is doing some crazy power moves lol! Rosie has clearly shown herself to be the queen bee when it comes to occupying our laps. Marnie realized that she needed to get Rosie out of her way. Otherwise, Rosie will suffer the consequences, also known as hissing, tapping, or a combination of the two. She thinks Rosie really enjoys all the mind games. She seems to be having fun swinging little baby Marnie around.

Oh, Dagnavit, I think this dog will make me a runner again. I love running long distances and for years he ran at least 3 miles every day. But something has changed over the past few years and I no longer love running.

Anyway, we found that Marnie seemed happier when she ran in the morning, so that’s what we’ve been doing. Nothing strenuous, just a mile or two, with breaks in between, and that’s mostly for me, hahaha!

After returning from an early morning run, Marnie eats breakfast. I do too. Lately, my favorite thing to eat in the morning is a sweet quinoa bowl.

In a bowl, add a spoonful of the cooked quinoa, milk, maple syrup, and cinnamon. Microwave for 1-2 minutes, then top with berries and sliced ​​almonds. It’s delicious and will keep you full all morning. Try it sometime! I’m happy.

One last thing you might think is kind of funny (and I certainly am). I realized this morning that I left my makeup bag at work yesterday. Since I’ve pared down my collection to the bare essentials, I no longer sprinkle in extraneous items like eyebrow pencils and eyelash curlers. Of course, I wear makeup when I go to work, but it feels a little weird not having even the bare essentials within reach.

I hope you have had a great week so far. TGIF!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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