Home Makeup Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 808

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 808

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So…what is Monday’s vote?

Great question! Despite the name, it’s not an actual vote, like a little clicky button.This is just a list of more or less random questions that I have posted on this blog every Monday morning for the past thousand years (since 2007).

1. Mashed potatoes or stuffing?

Mashed potatoes with lots of butter and salt.

2. What is your least favorite Thanksgiving dish?

turkey! I don’t like it at all.

3. Pumpkin pie — do you have whipped cream?

I’d rather have a slice of pecan pie, but if I have to eat pumpkin, I’ll certainly have a little whipped cream.

4. What does your ideal Thanksgiving holiday look like?

Me, El Hub, and Connor went on a trip to Japan, and after a day of sightseeing, we had Thanksgiving dinner at a sushi restaurant.

5. What is the best holiday movie?

It’s Little Women, but it has to be the 1994 version starring Winona Ryder and Christian Bale.

6. What were the good and bad points about Thanksgiving?

The best part is hanging out with El Hub and Connor and eating the leftover pie. The worst part is the family drama. There’s always something, sigh!

7. How about Monday?

I was at my desk all morning preparing for tomorrow’s job interview, so the time passed quickly. Good things are just around the corner, I know it…it takes a lot of preparation to get there. 🙂

I hope all is peace and calm with you, my friend. Please take a good rest on Monday.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


PS Please copy the question here and paste the answer in the comments. Please speak soon.

1. Mashed potatoes or stuffing?
2. What is your least favorite Thanksgiving dish?
3. Pumpkin pie — do you have whipped cream?
4. What does your ideal Thanksgiving holiday look like?
5. What is the best holiday movie?
6. What were the good and bad points about Thanksgiving?
7. How about Monday?

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