Home Makeup Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 813

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 813

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So…what is Monday’s vote?

Great question! Despite the name, it’s not an actual vote, like a little clicky button.This is just a list of more or less random questions that I have posted on this blog every Monday morning for the past thousand years (since 2007).

1. How did you spend New Year’s Eve?

I couldn’t stand the cold outside, so I relaxed at home! I made dinner (pasta with basil, corn, and parmesan) and dessert (chocolate chip cookies) and then watched a movie called “The Wolf and the Lion,” which was a good movie, but Connor and I were totally stressed out. Just before midnight, we did all the silly and fun traditions we always do. I jumped up and down, made a lot of noise, and opened the front door to let in all the New Year’s good fortune.

2. What was your first meal in 2024?

Does coffee count? Lol. I ate an egg waffle spread with peanut butter and topped with raisins. It was good!

3. Is there anything that surprised you recently?

One night last week, Connor and I were walking around the neighborhood after dinner when we *almost* came close to a coyote.

4. When is your next hair appointment?

I haven’t gotten my hair set yet, but the last time I got my hair cut was in October. I usually prefer her to wait 4-6 months between cuts. That means from March to May she will make the next cut.

5. One small thing you need to do today?

I have to do a little bit to bring down the tree! It’s time. I think it would be lonely to have it in the living room.

Hello, Happy New Year! I think today is the perfect day to be kinder to yourself. Why not treat yourself to cooking a delicious meal or reading a book?

A lot of good things will happen for us in 2024. I know that. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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