Home Makeup Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 831

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 831

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Monday Poll Sunflower Have A Joyful Day.jpg

So…what is Monday’s vote?

Great question! Despite the name, it’s not an actual vote, like a little clicky button.This is just a list of more or less random questions that I have posted on this blog every Monday morning for the past thousand years (since 2007).

1. Crocs or Birkenstocks?

I don’t own either, but I think Birkenstocks are a little more formal, so I choose them.

2. Do you tend to cook with lots of spices?

If the recipe calls for it, of course. When I’m left to my own devices, I tend to keep things simple. Salt, pepper, that’s it!

3. Are there any expectations?

I hope Marnie’s younger brother is adopted soon. His adoption profile briefly disappeared from Marine Humane’s website (as happens after an animal is adopted), but then reappeared last week.

4. What are you craving right now?

Toast with butter!

5. Do you have any small goals you want to accomplish this week?

I want to finish everything in the morning so I have time to spare. I’ve been so busy lately that I don’t like the chaotic feeling first thing in the morning.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


PS Please copy the question here and paste the answer in the comments. Please speak soon.

1. Crocs or Birkenstocks?
2. Do you tend to cook with lots of spices?
3. Are there any expectations?
4. What are you craving right now?
5. Do you have any small goals you want to accomplish this week?

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