Home Makeup Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 834

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 834

by admin
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Have a great Monday!

So…what is Monday’s poll about?

Great questions! Contrary to the name, this isn’t an actual survey, like a little click button. It’s just a list of more or less random questions that I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the last quadrillion years. (Since 2007).

1. Call or text?

We text for silly things and late-night thoughts, and call for important things.

2. Black and white or color?

Color, 100%. As a side note (and a bit sci-fi), this question reminds me of the new Dune movie and the planet Gaide Prime, which is in shades of black and white and grey. Every time I see that scene I think to myself, “I could never live in a place without color.”

3. Sushi or Ramen?

It’s all sushi, baby.

4. Brow pencil or brow powder?

Only applies to twist-up eyebrow pencils.

5. Is there anything you need to get done this week?

I have a lot on my plate – helping Connor audition for dance team, getting a lot done at work, training Marni, and so much more – but I also want to do some fun things for myself, and that includes reading a book I recently started called “The Fourth Wing.”

Your local beauty enthusiast,


P.S.: Here are some questions, copy and paste them in the comments and I’ll talk to you again soon.

1. Call or text?
2. Black and white or color?
3. Sushi or Ramen?
4. Brow pencil or brow powder?
5. Is there anything you need to get done this week?

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