Home Makeup Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 838

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 838

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Can anyone relate?

So…what is Monday’s poll about?

Great questions! Contrary to the name, this isn’t an actual survey, like a little click button. It’s just a list of more or less random questions that I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the last quadrillion years. (Since 2007).

1. Summer or Winter?

For the record, fall is the best, lol! But if I had to choose between the two, I’d choose summer.

2. Lipstick or lip oil?

Lipstick baby.

3. What is one of your talents?

I have a knack for packing large amounts of information into snack-sized chunks.

4. What is your favorite work lunch?

TJ’s has delicious spring rolls served with shrimp and peanut dip.On a side note, when I have to eat lunch in a hurry, the last thing I want to eat is a big bowl of salad – it takes way too long to chew! Anyway, if you don’t have shrimp spring rolls, tofu spring rolls are delicious too.

5. What brings you peace of mind?

Now that we have the whole family sleeping together under one roof, Connor’s childhood and teenage years will fly by and he will soon be flying off the mat. The comfort of knowing she is safe in her bed at night is truly precious.

Your local beauty enthusiast,


P.S.: Here are some questions, please copy and paste them in the comments and I’ll talk to you again.

1. Summer or Winter?
2. Lipstick or lip oil?
3. What is one of your talents?
4. What is your favorite work lunch?
5. What brings you peace of mind?

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