Home Hair Media Girls LA’s 2nd Annual Media Honors Brunch: The Must-Attend Event To Kicked Off BET Awards Week

Media Girls LA’s 2nd Annual Media Honors Brunch: The Must-Attend Event To Kicked Off BET Awards Week

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Los Angeles, California – July 3, 2024 – Media Girls LA’s 2nd Annual Media Honors Brunch on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 was the perfect start to BET Awards Week, bringing together some of the media’s brightest stars and pioneers for a day of celebration, networking and inspiration. Sponsored by Millennials Naturals and Janet Collection, the highly anticipated event was an unforgettable experience, set against the stunning backdrop of a Hollywood Hills estate.

Just like last year, the event was moving and heartfelt. Looking back at last year’s inaugural event, we recall the deep sense of community and recognition as we honored pioneers such as Karen Civil, Sydney Duyong, Derian “Freshie” Perry, Luke Lawal and Miracle Watts, whose stories of perseverance and success are now the foundation of cherished traditions.

This year, as BET Week kicks off, we come together again to celebrate a new batch of incredible people who have made a huge impact in their fields. Tasha McAskielVisionary CEO of Black Women in the Mediacontinues to pave the way for diversity and inclusion. Nina Parkerhas impacted countless lives with her vibrant presence as a talk show personality. Kyle SimpsonDynamic CEO of Neighborhood conversationskeeping us informed and connected. Arnel Armonis a beloved beauty content creator who inspires confidence and creativity in her audience. Gia PeppersThe charming TV presenter brings stories to life with grace and charisma. Quaylon “Bramitonquay” RogersThe actor and Instagram sensation brings joy and laughter to millions of people.

Each of our honorees embodies a spirit of innovation, resilience and excellence — their journeys are not just personal victories, but shared triumphs that inspire our communities.

Guests enjoyed specialty drinks from Mezcal Rosalna and Roche Collection, captured memorable moments in the Pixi photo booth, and mingle with industry peers. The atmosphere at the brunch was one of true surprise and heartfelt emotion as each honoree realized that their closest friends were not only in attendance to support them, but also to deliver personal, inspiring speeches. These moments highlight the deep friendships and mutual inspiration that drive our community forward.

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Adding a personal touch to this year’s celebration, media personality Daniel Young will deliver a heartfelt speech to his best friend and honoree Gia Peppers, highlighting the enormous impact Gia has had on her and the media world. In a surprise twist, Nina Parker will be honored by her best friend, actress Nichelle Hines, who will deliver a moving tribute to their inspiring friendship and Nina’s influential career.

The event was a showcase of media excellence, celebrating TV personalities, talk show hosts, media moguls and social media pioneers. Attendees left inspired and inspired, taking a piece of the magic home with them in gift bags provided by Janet Collection.

The brunch not only celebrated individual achievements, but also demonstrated the power of community and collaboration in the media industry. The brunch set the tone for an exciting week leading up to the BET Awards.

Photo credit: Juliette Hagerman and Co. West Photo

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