Home Cosmetics New PCPC President reflects on 2023, discusses 2024 industry trends

New PCPC President reflects on 2023, discusses 2024 industry trends

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New Pcpc President Reflects On 2023 Discusses 2024 Industry Trends.jpg

As previously reported in CosmeticsDesign, in January of this year, the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) hired Thomas J. Myers as its new president and CEO. Mr. Myers previously served as the organization’s executive vice president of legal and regulatory affairs and general counsel, succeeding former chairman Leslie Westin, who had held that role since 2009.

We spoke with Meyers to discuss his thoughts on the personal care products industry in 2023, his insights into the year ahead, the biggest issues facing the cosmetics and personal care products industry today, and how PCPC will help them. We interviewed them about how they plan to deal with it. , and his predictions for the most influential trends of 2024.

CDU: Looking ahead to the year ahead, do you have any thoughts about 2023?

Thomas Myers (TM): As we begin 2024, I am honored to take the helm as PCPC’s new President and CEO. I have been fortunate to work with Leslie Westin for over 10 years and am passionate about advancing the priorities she has set forth.

PCPC celebrated the enactment of the bipartisan Cosmetic Modernization Regulatory Act (MoCRA) in December 2022, and the organization has been supporting FDA’s implementation over the past year. This landmark legislation renews FDA oversight of our sector and provides enhanced regulatory tools critical to ensuring product safety, fostering innovation, and strengthening consumer confidence. provided to the FDA.

For more than a decade, PCPC and its member companies have worked with a bipartisan group of Congressional leaders and a wide range of stakeholders to modernize FDA’s regulatory authority for the industry and provide the safety peace of mind that consumers expect and deserve. We have provided. PCPC will continue to work collaboratively with FDA on implementation and will also advocate for Congress to provide $7 million in funding to FDA to meet this obligation.

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