Home Skin care OMG! Find Out Why This Skin Sin Is Now Trending

OMG! Find Out Why This Skin Sin Is Now Trending

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Sleeping with makeup on?! No way, we all know this, right? But we’ve all been there at least once, including yourself. We’ve all experienced falling asleep with our makeup on after a late night out, a long day at work, or just being forgetful. But what if we told you that this age-old skin sin is now not only trending, but encouraged? We predict that there will be a rapid increase in the number of “safe” makeup products. So, are these really safe for your skin? I have an idea!

So what does sleep-safe makeup mean?

Tinted sunscreens have been around for a while, but applied correctly, is a popular way to get both an even skin tone (through tint from makeup) and sun protection from skin-safe ingredients. It’s no wonder, then, that brands have started exploring ways to: all Makeup supplies like this. From color-correcting balms to hydrating blushes and even skin-tinting serums, who wouldn’t be interested in a beauty routine made up entirely of potential skin care benefits?

The downside is that your skin may not react to these products even if you use them for a long time. I also think it’s important to note that the term “safe sleep” and other variations may be more of a marketing ploy than a scientifically proven concept (this is where common sense comes in handy). Masu!).

The reality of sleeping with makeup on

We’ve all been told many times (by myself and pretty much every skin care expert!) that sleeping with makeup on can lead to a variety of skin concerns.The problem isn’t technically the makeup formula, but rather length of time Makeup stays on your skin even if you don’t wash it. If you don’t wash your skin for 24 hours, a lot of oil and dirt will accumulate, clog pores This can cause unevenness and breakouts. Therefore, it is important to wash your face morning and night, regardless of whether you have makeup on or not.

What would be a good solution? As I’m talking about everything, this blog post, Let’s say you wash your skin and do your routine right before going out for the night, then go to bed with your makeup on, but as soon as you wake up, you wash it again and then apply your makeup for 12 hours (same as your normal makeup time). daytime) should be fine. Of course, you don’t want to do this all the time, but it’s a strategic way to do it if you think you’re too tired when you get home late at night.

And of course you absolutely must use Well-formulated makeup remover cleanser!

Next, let’s talk about how Skin Hiit transforms your skin.

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