Home Beauty Pregnancy Acne: Why You’re Breaking Out During Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy Acne: Why You’re Breaking Out During Your Pregnancy

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It usually appears on the lower part of the face, such as the jawline and chin, Dr. Farhang added. These lesions remain below the skin’s surface, making them especially painful for a long time. Excess sebum (oil), sweat, and clothing can also cause breakouts on the chest, back, abdomen, and pelvis.

How common is acne during pregnancy?

Dr. Farhan says there’s a good chance you’ll get more dark spots during pregnancy, estimating that around 40% of people will “experience some degree of acne during pregnancy.” Unfortunately, there are no signs to know in advance if a breakout will occur.Several the study Dr. Farhan suggests that acne-prone people are more likely to develop acne during pregnancy, but Dr. Farhan says that many patients with acne-prone skin get a clearer complexion during pregnancy, but their skin is usually clearer. Some people reported that they had more acne. This is further proof that no two pregnancies are the same.

What causes acne to suddenly appear during pregnancy?

Acne can be caused by various factors, but many of the changes in the skin during pregnancy are thought to be due to an increase in acne. androgen, a group of sex hormones that stimulate glands to increase the production of sebum in the skin. “This excess oil can clog pores and cause acne lesions,” explains Dr. Farhang.

If you change the products you use after pregnancy, that new cleanser or moisturizer may also be aggravating your skin. Dr. Levin says, “We often see patients reconsidering their skin care routines, and the ‘pregnancy’ skin care products on the market may not be right for your skin.”


Cerave Hydrating Cream to Foam Cleanser

Elta MD

EltaMD foam face wash

Elta MD

EltaMD Barrier Renewal Complex


RoC Barrier Renew Cleanser

Dr. Levin’s advice? Use oil-free, non-comedogenic cleansers and moisturizers that contain ingredients that are safe during pregnancy. When it comes to cleansers, she recommends: Cerave Hydrating Cream to Foam Cleanser (For normal skin types, she prefers creamy cleansers that don’t strip.) EltaMD foam face wash (Her decadent formula for oily skin). When it comes to moisturizers, here are her go-to ones: EltaMD Barrier Renewal Complex and Rock barrier renewal.

When does acne during pregnancy start?

Although breakouts can occur at any point during pregnancy, Dr. Farhan says, “Breakouts typically start around the sixth week, when hormonal changes are most pronounced.”a study I find that breakouts are often most severe during the third trimester.

If you notice any skin changes during pregnancy, Dr. Levin advises getting evaluated before attempting self-treatment. “There are multiple types of folliculitis that can mimic acne, so it’s important to get it checked out by a professional,” she explains. “Acne needs to be properly addressed and treated to avoid scarring.”

Can acne during pregnancy be prevented?

Dr. Levine says that hormonal acne during pregnancy is “unavoidable for some people.” That being said, there are some steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of non-hormonal acne and the severity of breakouts. Whether you’re pregnant or not, Dr. Levin and Dr. Farhang both recommend good hygiene and skin care habits, including washing your face regularly, cleaning your sheets and pillowcases, and keeping your makeup brushes clean. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining

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