Home Nail Art Preventing Nail Curling: Understanding the Effects of Acetone Removal

Preventing Nail Curling: Understanding the Effects of Acetone Removal

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As a manicurist, you strive to provide your clients with the best experience and results possible. However, unexpected problems such as curling of nails after removal using acetone can be frustrating for both you and your client.

This blog post covers the causes of nail curling during acetone removal and explores effective strategies to prevent this. Whether you’re a seasoned nail professional or a novice, understanding the science behind nail reaction to acetone and taking precautions can improve the quality of your service and customer satisfaction. can.

Understanding acetone removal and nail curling

Effects of nail plate thickness and water content

I think the curled nail plate is thinner than the rest of the nail. Acetone absorbs water and reduces the water content of the nail plate. Normally, the nail plate contains about 15% water. Lowering the water content by even just a few percentage points can make a big difference, especially if your nail plate is thin.

Unraveling the science: Nail plate structure and water dynamics

Much of the water within the nail plate is located between the layers of nail cells. The science is a little unclear as to how many layers a “typical” normal nail plate consists of, but the latest research suggests that around 50 layers of nail cells is a good estimate. It is suggested.

Each time water (aka moisture) leaves the nail plate, these layers move closer together. This can cause a slight change in the shape of the nail plate, although to varying degrees. Thin nail plates are more likely to curl if they lose some moisture.

Preventing Nail Curl: An Effective Strategy for Nail Plate Health and Strength

The first thing I would try is to do a regular hot oil manicure once or twice a month and use a high quality, penetrating nail oil every day. This increases the oil content of the nail plate and makes it difficult for water to escape from the nail plate layer, which in turn slows down or prevents thin nails from bending.

Also, avoid making your nails even thinner than they already are. This is one of the biggest mistakes manicurists make: over-sanding the top of the nail plate. This outdated technique is still taught in many nail schools and nail training courses. Please respect your nail plate. The less sanding on this top surface, the better. The thicker and stronger the nail plate, the better!

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