Home Cosmetics Reimagining facial suncare through a sustainable lens

Reimagining facial suncare through a sustainable lens

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Reimagining Facial Suncare Through A Sustainable Lens.jpg

The fact that topical application of sun care products poses a risk to waterways and the marine environment puts pressure on brands to come up with solutions that have less impact on aquatic life and the environment as a whole.

Beyond this, suncare companies must also consider the overall carbon footprint of the products they develop, emphasizing biodegradable and water-free formulations, as well as changing packaging materials. not.

Responding to consumer demands for sustainability

To find out how this will impact the facial suncare sector, we spoke to Anna Keller, Senior Global Beauty Analyst at Mintel. She has been observing the sector to shed light on the appropriate moves to take as consumers become more concerned about cosmetics. sustainability.

“While the sunscreen industry has long leveraged environmentally-minded claims focused on ocean and reef safety, the reality of rapid ocean warming and marine environmental degradation is causing consumers and brands to shift focus. “We are now forced to consider other important aspects of the sustainability movement: carbon footprint, biodegradability, and packaging materials.” said Keller.

As average temperatures rise and extreme weather events become more common around the world, consumer awareness and interest in sustainable solutions is increasing, and positive changes are being made to avoid contributing to the problem. I urge you to wake up.

Suncare sustainability claims are on the rise

Mintel’s Global New Product Database highlights this, with 34% of new suncare products worldwide having sustainable claims, compared to just 8% in 2018. Meanwhile, 39% of U.S. consumers between the ages of 24 and 34 say they are now making more of an effort to purchase sustainable sun care products. Not harmful to the environment.

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