Home Skin care Renée’s DIY Trick Is The Ultimate Fix For Puffy Skin

Renée’s DIY Trick Is The Ultimate Fix For Puffy Skin

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Introduction to skin care the coolest New trend: toner ice cubes. This two-ingredient, two-step process is a quick and easy way to hydrate and soothe your face in minutes.

what you need

To make your own toner ice cubes, you only need two things:

  1. A small plastic cup (a 2-ounce Red Solo shot cup, a cough syrup cup, or an ice cube tray with a large compartment)
  2. Alcohol-free lotion, moisturizing essence, etc. moisture infusion toner.

How to make toner ice cubes

The process couldn’t be easier! Make 12 of your own toner ice cubes in just a few hours. Here’s how:

  1. Pour your chosen toner or moisturizing essence into a small plastic cup or ice cube tray.
  2. Place the container in the freezer and freeze for approximately 2 to 4 hours.

It is important to note that you need at least 1 oz. (or 2 tablespoons) of toner or essence into the container. This will ensure that the mixture freezes properly. Unlike regular water-based ice that stays put, toners often contain ingredients like glycerin and glycols, which can turn into slush if too little is used.

Advantages of toner ice cubes

So why has this toner ice cube become so popular lately? That’s not all It’s very easy to make, but also has so many great benefits. Here are some of my favorites.

Reduces swelling

Applying a cool toner to your face can reduce puffiness, especially around the eyes and cheeks. Cold temperatures cause blood vessels to constrict, reducing swelling and inflammation.

improves blood circulation

The cool sensation increases blood circulation and gives your skin a healthy rosy glow.

Promotes absorption of serum

Toner ice cubes are recommended to be used after applying a moisturizing and nourishing serum (avoid using with acids or retinol). When you apply a serum and slide an ice cube of toner over your face, the cold temperature causes the capillaries to constrict. This creates a vacuum effect that pulls the serum deeper into the skin layers, increasing its effectiveness.

How to use toner ice cubes

Now that we’ve created these lovely calming tools, let’s explain the best way to incorporate them into your daily life.

step 1: First, thoroughly cleanse your face to make sure it’s free of makeup, dirt, and impurities.

Step 2: Apply your favorite moisturizing and nourishing serum. Avoid using serums that contain acids or retinol for this step.

Step 3: Remove one toner ice cube from the freezer.

Step 4: Gently slide the ice cube over your skin for 10 to 20 seconds, using light upward motions. Be sure to cover your entire face.

Step 5: There is no need to wash your face after using toner ice cubes. Allow the toner to absorb into your skin.

Step 6: Apply a moisturizer at the end of your skincare routine to lock in moisture and keep your skin soft and supple.

Toner ice cubes are a refreshing addition to your skin care routine and offer many benefits, including reducing puffiness, improving blood circulation, and increasing serum absorption. In a few easy steps, you can create your own frozen toner cubes and enjoy a spa-like experience in the comfort of your home. Why not try this cool beauty trend and experience the revitalizing effect it has on your skin? Your complexion will thank you!

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