Home Makeup Saturday Check In | I Made a Wreath!

Saturday Check In | I Made a Wreath!

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Wreath From Right.jpg
I made a wreath!

hello my friend!

Can I just say that it feels great to be sitting in front of my keyboard in my pajamas at the start of Saturday? I’ve been busy with work lately, so I didn’t have much time to write this week. When I get home, I feel like my life force has been sucked out by a baby vampire (lol)! Sorry if you’ve been MIA lately because all you have left when you get home is enough energy to make dinner and prepare for the next day. I don’t feel particularly creative or talkative. I’m just tired.

I have a question for you. Does your job’s workload increase or decrease, or is your job more stable? For me, I’ve noticed a cycle where things are really slow for a few weeks and then things get better quickly. If you’re not on top of your game, you can get very lost in the details. Quickly. If I didn’t have a tracking spreadsheet, I would have been a mess.

What’s interesting to me is that this task is not technically difficult. However, being very detail-oriented and having to focus for hours on making sure numbers, dates, and copies are consistent across different programs can be more taxing than expected.

Anyway, things are still going well and I like my job. Next month will be my 4th month with the company, and I feel like I’ve finally settled down.

Earlier this week we had a team building exercise to make spring wreaths. Guess what? I discovered that I love making wreaths. I know, it’s very random. I got to make a spring wreath using fresh cuttings from trees and shrubs from the university farm, and I loved it!

First, I used an olive branch as a base and tied it with green floral wire. Next, I cut off the tough part of the stem with scissors. Then I continued adding different branches to fill out the wreath. I used cherry blossoms, sage, and rosemary.

I think what I liked most about this exercise was the process of trying out different combinations of colors and leaves to see where the wreath took me. I think there’s something very liberating about being creative without a plan.

When I brought it home, the first thing I did was put it on my door and then took about a billion photos.

If you have a chance to make a wreath, please give it a try! You’ll love it! 🙂

Other than being a little buried at work and a day where I spent a lot of time sneezing (it’s allergy season in California), I’m doing okay. How was your life with the keyboard? Do you have any fun plans for the rest of today?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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