Home Makeup Saturday Surfing, April 20, 2024!

Saturday Surfing, April 20, 2024!

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Good morning, my friend. We hope your Catalonia gets off to a peaceful and happy start.

It’s been a week since I started implementing the three little things I learned in this podcast to help me have better mornings, and overall my mornings are a little smoother and my afternoons are less tiring.

Oh, and in case you missed it, here are three.

  1. Instead of hitting the snooze button, get up right away.
  2. Expose yourself to natural light outdoors before artificial light to support your circadian rhythm.and
  3. Start by drinking a glass of water and delay drinking coffee or tea.

As a side note, I can’t believe I’m writing this without a single drop of caffeine in my system. It’s crazy!

Anyway, I plan on continuing for at least another week. The real test will be when I get a few nights of occasional insomnia. If I can keep going even if I have a bad morning, I’m going to keep going.

Oh, and I also realized that this would be even more difficult if it were cold and rainy outside. If you start now, the hope is that it will become second nature when fall and winter return.

How was your week? I think I was able to do a lot more and feel better. Did anything good happen?

this week’s reading

some change is needed


I wish we were here

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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