Home Skin care Skin Redness: Why Is My Skin So Blotchy?

Skin Redness: Why Is My Skin So Blotchy?

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Skin redness can appear unexpectedly due to changes in the environment, stress, or allergic reactions. If you’ve ever woken up with a swollen face in the morning, you may have felt confused and frustrated as to how to alleviate the unpleasant symptom. Learn what causes red skin and how to improve it.

What causes skin redness?

Skin redness that appears suddenly, continues to spread, or does not go away Very painfulThe most important thing is to see a doctor, as this could be a sign of a more serious condition, infection or allergic reaction, and it is important to rule out these possibilities before undergoing any skin treatments.

If medical conditions are ruled out, Work with your esthetician to come up with the best treatment plan for you. Redness is caused by inflammation and is often associated with common issues like sensitive skin, outdoor exposure, and rosacea. Because these causes can manifest themselves on the skin in similar ways, it’s important to seek professional advice to come up with a plan to effectively address the specific cause of your redness.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is This is different from sensitive skin (a temporary condition). Sensitive skin reacts to irritants that aren’t usually a problem for other skin types, such as fragrances, physical exfoliation, certain acids and heat. These irritants can cause inflammation and irritation in sensitive skin, resulting in spots, rashes and breakouts. Close-up of reddened skin caused by environmental stress

Outdoor Environment

If you notice your skin turning red while having fun outdoors, you probably assume it’s because of sunburn. But the sun isn’t the only thing that can cause red skin. Environmental factors such as cold weather, strong winds, heavy rain, air pollution, and allergens (such as pollen and grass) can also cause red, itchy, and rough skin. If you already have sensitive or dry skin, exposure to these environmental factors can make your skin even more inflamed and out of balance. Close-up of a cheek with rosacea

Rosacea-like dermatitis

Perhaps the most common skin condition associated with redness is rosacea. Eminence Organic The product support team states: “Rosacea is a common inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects the skin on the face, causing redness around the nose, chin, forehead, and cheeks.” Rosacea can be caused by: Four main formatsErythematotelangiectatic rosacea, papulopustular rosacea, tumescent rosacea, ocular rosacea. Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea may also be accompanied by uncomfortable swelling and roughness. Papulopustular rosacea may be mistaken for acne, as pustules on the cheeks are a common symptom. Tumorous rosacea is often found on the nose, where the skin thickens. Ocular rosacea affects both the skin and the eyes, causing constant eye discomfort.

What should you avoid?

To improve redness, dermatologists advise avoiding products containing harsh cleansers and fragrances that strip the skin’s moisture barrier.Avoiding harmful irritants like added parabens, petrolatum, mineral oil, propylene glycol, and sodium lauryl sulfate is a good first step to getting rid of redness. Our product support team also says that people who suffer from skin redness should avoid the following:

  • High doses of salicylic acid
  • Prescription Retinol
  • Hydroquinone
  • alcohol
  • Wash your face with hot water
  • Hot shower/bath

In addition to skin care, lifestyle choices and prioritizing your health can also help treat redness. What’s causing your redness? Certain foods, alcohol, weather, lack of sleep? Use a diary or an app to record these and keep track of your skin’s condition.

Ingredients that help with red skin

Many ingredients are touted to “cure” red skin, but it’s important to be informed. Nothing truly “cures” redness, but some soothing ingredients have come to the forefront:

  • Azelaic Acid
  • lavender
  • chamomile
  • Flax/Limon Seed Extract
  • Clary sage
  • Arnica
  • aloe
  • Rosehip
  • Calendula Oil
  • Echinacea

It’s important to seek professional help when treating redness, and while the ingredients mentioned above are great options, everyone’s skin is different. A qualified aesthetician will assess your needs and sensitivities to prevent further symptoms and make them worse. Eminence Organics Skin Redness Infographic

A Calming Organic Skin Care Routine

If the redness is due to dryness, The Calm Skin Chamomile Collection is a great choice, as it contains ingredients like azelaic acid, chamomile, and aloe vera, making it gentle and suitable for even sensitive skin types. The Calm Skin Starter Set contains a one-month supply of products to cleanse, treat, moisturize and revitalize your skin, and is available at your local Eminence Organics certified spa.

  1. Cleansing: First, remove impurities, Calm Skin Chamomile Cleanser. This creamy cleanser leaves skin feeling soft and supple. Ruby Rose is a fan and Grazie Magazine and Birdie It’s one of her organic skin care essentials.
  2. Tone Up: Complete your cleanse with a gentle spritz of Hawthorn Tonic. This mist invigorates skin and relieves discomfort.
  3. Exfoliation: Avoid using abrasive face washes. Calm Skin’s award-winning Chamomile Exfoliating Peel contains lactic and mandelic acids. This product can be used up to three times a week, but start with once a week and gradually increase the frequency (or as recommended by your aesthetician).
  4. Mask: Soothes dry skin Soothing Arnica Mask. This gentle treatment blends Calendula Oil, Ivy, Shea Butter and Arnica to soothe and hydrate dry skin. Use 1-2 times weekly or as recommended by your aesthetician.
  5. Serum: Moisturize and revitalize your skin with Eminence Organics Arnica Booster Serum keeps skin calm. Dita Von Teese She’s a fan of this serum, which contains arnica, chamomile, and lavender, calling it “amazing.”
  6. Moisturizing: Rich and creamy Soothing Chamomile Moisturizer This gentle moisturizer formula leaves skin beautifully soft, hydrated and moisturized.
  7. Pro Tip: Nourish: If your skin feels extremely dry or irritated, try our Facial Recovery Oil, which helps soothe redness caused by dryness and, like all Eminence Organics products, contains clean, organic ingredients.
  8. Pro Tip: In the morning, be sure to apply an SPF such as an all-mineral formula to protect your skin from environmental stressors such as dryness and the strong rays of the sun.

Whatever the cause of your skin redness, don’t worry. With the help of an aesthetician, there are ways to manage chronic redness and achieve a smoother, more even complexion in the future. Do you have any tips for managing redness? Let us know in the comments below or join the conversation on social media.

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