Home Makeup Slimming Secrets: 10 Soluble Fiber-Rich Foods That Reduce Your Appetite

Slimming Secrets: 10 Soluble Fiber-Rich Foods That Reduce Your Appetite

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Research on the importance of fiber in weight loss is incontrovertible, but there are certain types of fiber that work better than others. It’s called soluble fiber. Numerous studies have shown that dietary fiber can help you lose weight by slowing the movement of food through your intestines, keeping you full longer and increasing feelings of fullness and fullness. Fiber doesn’t raise blood sugar levels and keeps insulin levels low, meaning your calories are less likely to be stored as fat in your body. Additionally, soluble fiber swells when mixed with water, forming a viscous gel in the body, slowing stomach emptying and prolonging digestion time. As a result, you will feel fuller longer, reduce your appetite, and help reduce your overall calorie intake at the end of the day. So the next time someone tries to sell you an appetite suppressant powder or pill, say no and switch to foods rich in viscous soluble fiber to suppress your appetite. This type of fiber also feeds the good bacteria in our intestines and produces many beneficial metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids, which in turn helps us lose a lot of weight. brings you some amazing things. Experts say one of the main reasons for the rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes worldwide is the lack of enough fiber in the daily diet. Here’s a list of 10 foods rich in viscous fiber that reduce appetite.

10 foods rich in soluble fiber that reduce appetite

Here is a list of 10 viscous fiber-rich foods that reduce appetite.

1. Flaxseed:

Flaxseed contains 35-45% both soluble and insoluble fiber, with two-thirds insoluble and one-third soluble, making it a great addition to smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, and even salads. You can increase your fiber intake by adding flaxseed. Remember that flaxseed should ideally be ground before consumption for maximum effectiveness.

2. Shirataki:

It is a low-calorie gelatin-like noodle that contains a lot of water-soluble dietary fiber called glucomannan extracted from the root of konnyaku. Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that absorbs a lot of water. So, replace instant ramen with shirataki noodles to promote weight loss. These noodles can be added to soups, salads, and even stir-fries.

3. Oats:

Oats contain a soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which also helps lower cholesterol. Oats also contain insoluble fiber, both of which can help suppress appetite and increase satiety. You can make overnight oats, smoothies, pancakes, and even dosas using oats. Also read: “Does eating oats help you lose weight faster?”

4. Beans:

Black beans, white beans, and kidney beans are all good sources of fiber that can be staples in your diet. It also has fewer calories compared to its volume. This means you can eat larger portion sizes without consuming excess calories. From curries to soups, there are many ways to add beans to your meals.

5. Apple:

The fiber in apples, especially soluble fiber, slows digestion and sugar absorption, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and reduces cravings for unhealthy foods. The combination of pectin, a soluble fiber found in apples, and high water content will help you feel full without consuming too many calories.

6. Guava:

Guava is rich in dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber, which increases the feeling of fullness. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces cravings for sweet snacks. Guava’s low calories and high fiber density make it a satisfying low-calorie snack, and it can also be combined with other low-GI fruits to make fruit chaat.

7. Sweet potato:

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, which plays an important role in weight loss. Baking, making soup, or mashed can help you feel full, prevent overeating, and control your calorie intake.

8. Barley:

Research shows that barley contains 900% more fiber than brown rice. Barley is a good source of minerals such as manganese, selenium, potassium, and iron, vitamins such as B6, and is rich in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber.

9. Psyllium Husk:

Also known as isabgol in Hindi, it is a soluble fiber derived from the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement due to its excellent water-holding capacity and potential health benefits, especially for digestive health. Roti can be rolled up and added to milkshakes or cooked with vegetables such as potatoes and peas to increase your daily fiber intake.

10. Chia seeds:

These tiny seeds pack a ton of nutrients, and it’s no wonder chia seeds are considered a superfood. These seeds are an excellent source of protein and packed with nutrients, along with high-quality fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. The high content of soluble fiber keeps you feeling full for longer, allowing for better food intake, which in turn aids in weight loss. Also read: 15 Ways to Lose Weight with Chia Seeds.

Overall, the fiber-rich foods listed above increase satiety, keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer, and reduce your overall calorie consumption. lati beauty diet We will tell you in detail how to incorporate them into your daily diet to lose a large amount of weight. Subscribe to Rati Beauty app for weight loss diet plan.

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