Home Nail Art Stepping into Summer: The Ultimate Guide to Soft and Beautiful Feet

Stepping into Summer: The Ultimate Guide to Soft and Beautiful Feet

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It’s summer!This means more pedicures and even more dry feet.….

Summer brings sunny days, beach vacations and a desire for perfectly pampered feet. As pedicure season approaches, customers are often looking for ways to address the common problem of dry and hardened soles. Curious people may wonder if the sun is affecting the dryness of their feet and why calluses form on the soles of their feet. If you’re a beauty expert or someone who longs for soft, supple feet this summer, you’ve probably come across suggestions like applying petroleum jelly and wearing socks to bed. But let’s delve into the facts behind these questions to uncover the truth and guide you toward the best foot care practices for the warmer months ahead.

Does the sun dry our feet?

Contrary to popular belief, the sun itself does not directly dry our feet. However, in summer weather we often wear sandals and go barefoot, exposing our feet to more elements than usual. This increased exposure makes us more aware of the condition of our feet.

Understanding callous skin on the feet

The hardened skin layer on the soles of the feet, commonly known as calluses, is a natural response to friction. As the skin rubs against various surfaces, it thickens to protect itself from friction and potential damage. Walking more barefoot or wearing ill-fitting shoes can lead to the formation of calluses.

The Importance of Protective Layers

It’s important to understand that calluses act as a protective layer for your feet. These hardened areas protect the more delicate skin underneath from damage. Attempting to completely remove the callus can result in erosions, blisters, infections, and other adverse effects.

Vaseline myth

Some clients may have heard that if you apply petroleum jelly to your feet and wear socks overnight, it will smooth them out. Petroleum jelly temporarily softens the skin by trapping moisture, but it is not a true emollient. Once the petroleum jelly is removed, the skin’s hydration returns to normal within a few hours.

optimal foot care

To keep your feet soft and supple, it’s best not to exfoliate completely or thin out hard tissue too much. Instead, consider using professional products specifically designed to soften your feet. These products are likely to provide effective long-term conditioning, leading to truly soft and beautiful feet.


  1. Does the sun directly dry our feet?
    No, the sun itself doesn’t dry out your feet, but the increased exposure from summer activities can make you more aware of your feet.
  2. Why do I get calluses on my feet?
    Calluses form as a protective response to friction, often caused by walking barefoot or ill-fitting shoes.
  3. Can calluses be completely removed to smooth feet?
    Complete removal of calluses is not recommended as they act as an important protective layer for the feet.
  4. Is petroleum jelly effective in softening feet?
    Vaseline provides temporary softness by trapping moisture, but it is not a true emollient.
  5. What is the best way to achieve soft and supple feet?
    Longer lasting conditioning and softening benefits with specialty products designed to soften feet.

Protect Nail Health and Well-being from Nail Bleeding

Subungual hematoma is a common nail-related injury that can be caused by a variety of factors. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options can help you take necessary precautions and seek timely medical attention when needed. By being proactive about preventing finger injuries and treating subungual hematomas promptly, you can protect your nail health and overall well-being.


Summer is the perfect season to show off your feet, but achieving soft, supple soles requires proper care and understanding. Although the sun doesn’t dry out our feet directly, it’s essential to protect them from excessive friction and exfoliation. Emphasize using professional foot care products and avoid myths such as using petroleum jelly for lasting softness. With these tips, your feet will be ready for summer with confidence and comfort.

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