Home Makeup Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 782

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 782

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Tabs Warm Portrait Cat Tower 2.jpg

Like all cats, Tab had a dark side. He could see in the dark, loved sneaking around in the dark, loved stalking other cats in the dark, and generally loved the dark. The only thing he didn’t like about the darkness were other cats sneaking up on him…like his long-time nemesis, Harris. Legend has it that Harris still haunts this circle. Well, at least that’s what they say. Let’s take a look back at Halloween in 2017, when Harris was in his Michael Myers phase. 🤣

As soon as the door opened, the tab flew out like a rocket. This morning he was so happy to be able to go for a walk before dawn. Because, as you know, cats are crepuscular and get extra excited at dusk and dawn.

The start was great too. There was a spring in his step. The first thing he did was turn the corner towards his favorite bamboo tree, then doubt backwards like a kitten and run up the steps towards the grassy knoll in the common area. is. He likes to munch on the grass there.

Things were going well, but…oh my! That long-haired tabby intruder has appeared! When we both looked up, there he was, staring at us silently, like Kitty Krueger in Cataloo Day.

Tab was surprised! The other cat just stood there for a long moment, meowing, puffing out its tail, hissing, and raising its haunches, then darting out at full speed and flanking Tubbs to get behind him. And so.

The tab didn’t have it. He kept an eye on the other cat as the intruder sped under the red truck.

So they had a good old cat confrontation.

Finally, the other cat backed away and slinked away.

Lucky for him, as Tubbs says.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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