Home Makeup Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 787

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 787

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Tabs Thanksgiving Resting.jpg

The big week is coming up and I hope it’s a good week. I am grateful for many things this year, including you. Thank you for coming and thank you for stopping by. I am so grateful to have had the privilege of knowing Tubbs, the world’s first and greatest kitten supermodel. 😺 Take a look back at some of the things Tab loved Extra About Thanksgiving.

Tubbs isn’t the cat who needs inspirational posters, holidays, or memes to remind him to be grateful for the blessings in his life.just him teeth thank you. He is a cat from poor backgrounds who rose to the top of the kitten modeling industry and has never taken anything for granted.

The other day we were talking about what we’re grateful for this year. Yes, my cat is talking to me. I was expecting him to say his one or two things, but he rattled off his list of 10 things.

10 things Tubbs is grateful for this year

  1. Gravy — The green smoothie of the cat world. All of Tubbs’ great accomplishments came from gravy.
  2. His sister — their relationship is sometimes rocky, but Tubbs is always glad to have another pair of hands to pet him.
  3. sunny nap spot
  4. His DIY custom deck cat condo — where he has watched many sunsets while eating fresh organic Actinidia.
  5. Turkey slices — He prefers the Columbus brand, which has a nice balance of flavors, but any turkey slices will work.
  6. outdoor walk at dawn
  7. Fresh cat grass – the softer the better
  8. his long-time assistants (aka his family)
  9. his silky coat
  10. Invention of cat harness

He also has an appreciation for his striking features, as evidenced by this Tabby sparkly, funky Thanksgiving eye look tutorial.


  1. Apply the metallic bronze loose pigment to the inner half of your eyelid using a flat eyeshadow brush (wet the brush first for maximum color).
  2. Wipe any remaining eyeshadow from the flat eyeshadow brush with a paper towel. Next, rewet the brush head and apply the copper loose pigment to the outer half of the eyelid. Wait for both eyeshadows to dry…
  3. Blend bronze and copper eyeshadow seamlessly using a tapered crease brush.
  4. Trace the black liquid liner along your upper lash line and flick it upwards and outwards from the edges.
  5. With a brown and yellow (or gold) liquid liner, draw a little bit of blooming autumn leaves just above the bronze and copper eyeshadow.
  6. Finish it off with the most flirtatious and amazing false eyelashes.

Tubbs also thanks Kitty for her modeling (of course)

It was his ticket to fame and fortune.

Of course he appreciates the great dining experience

He also appreciates his home, which he diligently protects from the neighborhood cat intruders.

But most of all he is thankful for his friends, family and ?Love

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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