Home Makeup Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 815

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 815

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Well, spring has really started to feel like it’s here around here recently.

I mean, I’m just saying. Our new hire, Marnie, aka The Dog, aka the Australian Shepherd, is still in training, but yay! What fun! She’s a great addition to the team, don’t get me wrong, but she’s obviously still in training.

I wish Tubbs was still there to train her, because I don’t always know what I’m doing, whereas Tubbs always knew what he was doing.

He was always very professional…except when he wasn’t. 😊

How is your spring? What have you been up to?

So far, things have been going well. The only big issue is my allergies. I am honestly having the worst seasonal allergies I’ve ever had. Half the time I’m not sure if it’s an allergy attack or a cold.

But summer is almost here, so the pollen should die down soon.


Rosie hopes you had a great weekend.

What did we do? Nothing in particular by ourselves. Today we battled the crowds at Costco, which is always an adventure, especially on a Sunday.

Please be careful not to do that again. 😹

Rosie hopes you too are having a great week.

Let’s talk again soon.

Your local beauty enthusiast,


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