Home Makeup Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 819

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 819

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9 Tabs Cat Sunflower Collar Summer.jpg

Oh dear! This is going to be the hottest week so far this year, with many days approaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit. As you know, depending on where you live and the temperature, heat like that requires planning. You know what I mean? You can’t just go and do business as usual when it’s 100 degrees and it’s hot enough to fry an egg outside.

You have to open all the windows early to let in the cool air and button up the rooms before it’s too late. If you don’t water your outdoor plants just after dawn, they will burn, and then remember to water them again after sunset. Work outdoors should be done just after dawn or long after sunset. It’s a process, you see.

Another thing is flowers. Almost all the flowers outside will be dead by the weekend, so I got thinking… My tabby cat loved flowers. I’m going to look back at his posts from June 2018 and share some of his most iconic floral creations.

Even my cat didn’t buy me flowers for his birthday yesterday 🙁 So, to remind him of his sin, I passively sent him a photo of his recent flower-inspired cat modelling stint.

We play such mind games with each other…we Real Housewives That’s it.


Cherry Blossom Tabby

Tubbs can be very sweet at times, but when he gets upset, his claws come out.

But my heart is full of love ❤️ so this time I forgive him.

Your local beauty enthusiast,


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