Home Makeup Super Important Question (Not Really): How Do You Feel About Scrunchies?

Super Important Question (Not Really): How Do You Feel About Scrunchies?

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Scrunchies K.jpg

I love it! It doesn’t hurt my hair or my head, haha! You know how wearing a ponytail can give you a headache? That always happens to me, except when I have a scrunchie on.

It also doesn’t leave any weird bends in your hair… you know what I’m talking about? Those indentations you get at the top of your head when you put a ponytail in.

I was looking at the Urban Outfitters website recently and I saw that Urban Outfitters Lots of scrunchies.

Dude, what the heck? I need to crawl out from under my rock. I had no idea it was socially acceptable for hipsters to wear scrunchies again.

For Free People Jumbo Scrunchie!

Anyway, I’ve been wearing it for years and it’s funny, you know you’ve reached a point in your life when a trend was once totally in style, then went out of style, and now it’s back in style again.

What do you think about scrunchies? They seem to be a love-it-or-hate-it item.


Your local beauty enthusiast,


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