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Tech & beauty consumer engagement

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This month, personalized artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) brand experience platform Revieve released its latest report, Navigating the Future of Retail: Connecting the Dots for Success in 2023 and Beyond . This report focuses on the top in-person and online retail trends and provides comprehensive information.Highlights of strategies and technologies that are reimagining customer engagement in the beauty industry” said Sampo Parkkinen, CEO of Revieve.

Cosmetics Design asked Mr. Parkkinen for his insights on key takeaways from the report, the report’s most surprising findings, and the best applications of the report’s findings for manufacturers and suppliers in the cosmetics and personal care products industry.

Report and key points

To compile the report, the Revieve team collected data. ”Through a thorough process that includes access to industry insights and collaborations with various brands and retailers.” Parkkinen said. The data was then analyzed and the following results were obtained.Comprehensive analysis incorporating information from Revieve and brand partnerships ensures a rich and diverse dataset that contributes to the depth and credibility of the report.” he explained.

These results are particularly important for the beauty and personal care products industry.Beauty manufacturers and ingredient suppliers that invest in innovative technology solutions and foster a culture of adaptability will be well-positioned to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of 2023 and beyond.” he explained.

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